Notch Notch
Manual 1.0 Manual 0.9.23
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From Notch Builder you can export directly to standalone executable files. Standalone executables are commonly used in fixed installs/kiosks etc. where the features of a media server are not required.

License Requirements #

To run a Standalone without a watermark, you need to have exported from Notch Builder Pro and have a Notch Playback license on the playback machine.

When you should use a media server #

Standalone is not a media server replacement. You should definitely consider embedding Notch Blocks in a media server when:

  • Outputting to multiple heads
  • Playing back videos (Standalone has very limited video playback capabilities)
  • Capturing multiple streams of video
  • Projection Mapping
  • Complex integrations with stage automation
  • Feed mapping
  • Chasing timecode or other sophisticated timeline control

Features of Standalone #

Command Line Parameters #

Standalones accept a number of parameters on the command line.

+debug 1                                     - shows HUD with statistics
+document "c:\projects\myproject.dfx"        - overrides document
+logfile x                                   - set logfile to x
+windowed 1                                  - windowed mode
+nosetup 1                                   - force no setup dialog
+deleteSource 1                              - deletes document source when client terminates
+scene n                                     - start specific scene (by index, 0 is the first scene)
+artnetoffset 3600                           - set ArtNet offset to x
+width x                                     - set the output width (if windowed)
+height x                                    - set the output height (if windowed)
+password x                                  - set password for zip
+nopassword                                  - no zip password
+keyandfill 1                                - enable key and fill
+monitor x                                   - send output to a specific monitor (by index, 0 is the first monitor)
+livestream DirectShow                       - enable output to NotchCam virtual webcam
+ncamserver                                  - set the NCAM server address
+ncamport                                    - set the NCAM server port
+showmousecursor 1                           - show the mouse cursor on screen
+forceFPS x                                  - sets a fixed time-step between frames, where x is the framerate (eg. 15, 30, 60)
+capturedevice0 x                            - set the video capture device for the first incoming stream by name.
+capturedevice1 x                            - set the video capture device for the second incoming stream by name.
+capturedevice2 x                            - set the video capture device for the third incoming stream by name.
+capturedevice3 x                            - set the video capture device for the fourth incoming stream by name.

For Key and Fill, see here for more information.

While running through the command line with no setup dialog, Notch will launch using its default settings. This means certain settings may need to be specified when launching from the command line, such as full screen and output resolution.

Command Line Examples: #

MyStandaloneApplication.exe +nosetup 1 +width 1024 +height 768 +logfile "C:\SomeFolder\Notch.log"

Keyboard commands #

The following keyboard commands exist for standalone:

  • ESC : Exit the standalone program
  • Arrow Up / Arrow Down : Switch the active layer. (Must be enabled in: Project > Settings > Exported App > Keyboard Transport Controls)

Using Standalone in Production Environments #

As stated, Notch is not a media server replacement and as such, the onus is on the user to prepare a good environment for Notch Standalones to run in. Prepping machines for production environments is a skill set on its own and if you are unfamiliar with the process, we recommend that you talk to an experienced AV production company.

There are a number of common gotchas that users hit when setting up their machines for use with Standalones which we have listed below.

Set Local Security Policy for Unidentified Networks #

When you set up a static IP network which doesn’t have a gateway/router (for ArtNet for example), Windows will mark it as an Unidentified Network and not allow Firewall Rules to be applied, meaning no traffic can get in. You, therefore, need to configure Windows to mark Unidentified networks as Private to have the Private Firewall Rules applied.

To do this:

  • WinKey + R
  • Enter secpol.msc and run
  • For both Network Managers List -> Unidentified Networks AND Identifying Networks
    • Set - Location Type : Private.
    • Set - User Permissions : User can change location
Changing network location policy behaviour has security implications. If you are not familiar with network security, we recommend you get advice.

Firewall Rules #

The Windows Firewall attaches rules to specific executables or globally. Given that the executables are created regularly as part of the Notch workflow, we recommend that you create the following global firewall rules:

Rule Protocol Port Number Note
Notch Network Editing TCP 3776-3904
ArtNet UDP 6454
OSC UDP port The OSC port you have set in your Notch Project Settings
Creating inbound firewall rules has security implications. If you are not familiar with network security, we recommend you get advice.

Start Up #

If you intend to run the Standalone after booting, we recommend that you put a delay in a batch file before starting. Various workstation graphics drivers take time to complete their initialisation and you need to start the standalone after these procedures.

Disable background activities #

To avoid unintended activities kicking off in the background or on machine restart:

  • Disable Windows Indexing
  • Disable Automatic Windows Update

Known good GPU driver #

GPU drivers from NVIDIA and AMD both occasionally have bugs, therefore it’s not always a good idea to take the latest driver update as soon as it comes out. Find a known good version and stick with it.

Misc #

  • Disable any power-saving functions