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GBuffer To Image

GBuffer To Image

Allows GBuffer channels from a rendered scene to be used as video nodes for compositing or export purposes.

Method #

This node allows GBuffer channels from a rendered scene to be used as video nodes for compositing or export purposes. By default, the base render layer is used as the GBuffer source, but a Render Layer may be supplied via appropriate input. For most channels to be accessible, Deferred Rendering must be enabled in the root node.

Use a Video Exporter node to export the contents of the GBuffer To Image node to video. Multiple channels may be exported separately and simultaneously.

Composite gbuffer-composite

Depth gbuffer-depth

Metalicness gbuffer-metallicness

Colour gbuffer-colour

Object Mask gbuffer-objectmask

Alpha gbuffer-alpha

Material ID gbuffer-materialid

Normal gbuffer-normal

Roughness gbuffer-roughness


These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

Preview In ViewportPreview the effect blended with alpha in the viewport.
Preview RGB In ViewportPreview the colour values in the viewport.
Preview Alpha In ViewportPreview the alpha values in the viewport.
Source ChannelThis selects which channel from the gbuffer to generate as an image.
Output FormatThe format to use for the output image.
  • Colour : The unshaded colour of all objects in the scene.
  • Alpha : The alpha channel of the scene. as its a gbuffer output, only alpha from geometry will be accepted (e.g shadow catcher), not the full layer alpha.
  • Normal - World Space : The normals of all surfaces in the scene, relative to the world.
  • Normal - Local Space : The normals of all surfaces in the scene, relative to the camera.
  • Specular Colour : The colour of specular lighting on all surfaces in the scene.
  • Depth - Camera Space : The depth of all surfaces in the scene away from the camera, without compensating for the camera far plane.
  • Depth - Camera Space (Normalised) : The depth of all surfaces in the scene away from the camera, compensating for the camera far plane.
  • World Position : The position of each point in the scene in world space.
  • Object mask : Uses geometry to mask all surfaces in the scene.
  • Object ID : Colours objects using their internal object id’s.
  • Material ID : Colours objects using their internal material id’s.
  • Object ID (False Colours) : Colours objects using their internal object id’s - but with false colours to make differences more obvious.
  • Material ID (False Colours) : Colours objects using their internal material id’s - but with false colours to make differences more obvious.
  • Roughness : Colours objects using the different values of roughness on object surfaces.
  • Metallicness : Colours objects using the different values of metallicness on object surfaces.


NameDescriptionTypical Input
Render LayerUse the gbuffer of a specific render layer.Render Layer
Effect MaskMask out areas that Post-FX applied to this node won’t be applied.Video Loader
Alpha ImageUse a seperate video nodes luminance values to overwrite the alpha channel of the image.Video Loader