Method #
These nodes generate a distance field for use in a procedural system. Similar to emitters in particles and fields, these nodes are usually the starting point for generating shapes amd creating a procedural surface or volume.
The way the generator is added to a procedural system can be controlled using the CSG properties. These can allow one generator to subtract from another, or blend from one shape to another.

Generates a 3D Object for a procedural.

Generates a 3D primitive for a procedural.

Generates a cellular noise pattern for a procedural.

Generates a shape for a procedural system from custom code.

Generates 3D fractal noise for a Procedural system.

Genreate a Procedural shape from an image.

This node allows a Field to be used as a procedural generator source.

Combine multiple generators together before adding them to a Procedural system.

Generate shapes from particles for a procedural.

Generate primitive shapes from particles for a procedural.

Performs reaction-diffusion simulation to a Procedural system.

Generates a 3D Voronoi pattern for procedurals.