Notch Notch
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Custom Shader Post Effect

Custom Shader Post Effect

Add a custom .fx shader script as a Post-FX

Method #

This node allows you to write your own custom shaders for use as a Post FX within the Notch nodegraph. Notch shaders are written in HLSL and use the D3DX Effect framework which allows for multiple techniques and passes and access to all of the pipeline stages. For Post FX the Pixel Shader is most commonly used for processing and effecting images.

Use of custom shaders is at your own risk. 10bit does not provide support for custom shader code. If you experience an issue with a project/block you will need to demonstrate your issue without your custom shader in the nodegraph, to be able to receive support from the 10bit team.

Shaders are resources with a .fx suffix. The most effective workflow for authoring shaders is to import your shader resource and turn on Reflect Resource Changes (right-click resource to set this). Now every time you save your shader in your text editor, the shader will be reloaded in Notch.

Any compilation errors will be reflected in the log (View -> Log Window)

The Notch engine provides a number of standard semantics for the shader:

  • CURRENTTIME : The nodes current time
  • BLENDAMOUNT : The blend amount

Global single float variables are exposed as properties in the node attributes, allowing you to link/animate them.

Additional textures can be used in your shader by declaring them in your shader code like so:

Texture2D <float4> SecondInputBuffer : INPUTBUFFER2;

Once the updated shader code has been saved a “SecondInputBuffer” input pin will appear on the node, which you can then connect other image nodes to.

An example of a Post-FX shader is below:

Texture2D <float4> InputBuffer : INPUTBUFFER;			// The input texture

float CurrentTime : CURRENTTIME;						// The current time
float BlendAmount : BLENDAMOUNT;						// The blend amount param

float MyCustomParameter;								// A custom parameter

sampler LinearClampSampler
	Filter = Min_Mag_Linear_Mip_Point;
    AddressU = Clamp;
    AddressV = Clamp;
    AddressW = Clamp;

struct VS_OUTPUT
    float4 Position  : SV_POSITION;
	float2 Uv : TEXCOORD0;

VS_OUTPUT VS_Fullscreen(float4 Position : POSITION)
 	Out.Position = float4(Position.xy,0,1);
	Out.Uv = Position.xy * 0.5f + 0.5f;

	return Out;    

float4 PS_ApplyPostProcess(VS_OUTPUT In) : SV_TARGET0
	float4 sourceValue = InputBuffer.Load(uint3(In.Position.xy,0));
	float4 rslt = float4( * abs(sin((In.Uv.y+CurrentTime*0.2f)*30.0f * (1.0f+MyCustomParameter))),sourceValue.w);
	rslt = lerp(sourceValue, rslt, BlendAmount);
	return rslt;

BlendState NoBlend {
  AlphaToCoverageEnable = FALSE;
  BlendEnable[0] = FALSE;
  BlendEnable[1] = FALSE;
  BlendEnable[2] = FALSE;
  BlendEnable[3] = FALSE;
DepthStencilState NoDepthState {
  DepthEnable = FALSE;
  DepthWriteMask = All;
  DepthFunc = Less;
  StencilEnable = FALSE; 
RasterizerState DefaultRasterState 
	CullMode = None;
	FillMode = Solid;
	DepthBias = 0;
	ScissorEnable = false;
technique11 ApplyPostProcess
	pass p0
		SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0, VS_Fullscreen() ) );
		SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0, PS_ApplyPostProcess() ) );
		SetBlendState( NoBlend, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
		SetDepthStencilState( NoDepthState, 0);
		SetRasterizerState( DefaultRasterState );
Download FX Shader Copy FX Shader


These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

Blend AmountChanges the opacity of the new effect over the original image.
ShaderThe selected shader from that has been imported as a resource


NameDescriptionTypical Input
ActiveEnables or disables the effect. Disabling the effect means it will no longer compute, so disabling a node when not in use can improve performance.Envelope Modifier