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Composite Image

Composite Image

Composite an image directly in a Post-FX chain.




Method #

This node allows you to composite and image directly within a Post-FX chain. This allows you to do lightweight compositing without creating a copy of the texture, which can reduce VRAM usage in extreme cases. It also allows you to easily move around at which stage the compositing is done in a video system without needing to rewire things.


These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

ActiveEnables or disables the effect. Disabling the effect means it will no longer compute, so disabling a node when not in use can improve performance.
Blend AmountChanges the opacity of the new effect over the original image.
Blend Mode (RGB)Change how the generated effect blends with the parent image RGB.
Blend Mode (Alpha)Change how the generated effect blends with the parent image alpha.
ImageSelect an image to be displayed on the image plane.
Alpha ImageUse an image to control the alpha values.
UV Remap ImageUse an image to remap the uvs for the image.
ColourAdd a colour filter over the image.
FrameIf the image is animated, choose which frame is displayed.
AlphaControl the alpha value of the image.
Alpha Sort BiasBiases the alpha sort in order to make it render in front or behind other transparent objects.
Aspect Based Scaling ModeScale the image to retain its original aspect ratio.
  • Disabled : Does not function.
  • Scale X : The x scale is changed until it matches the original files aspect ratio.
  • Scale Y : The y scale is changed until it matches the original files aspect ratio.
  • Larger : Chooses the larger scale mode.
  • Smaller : Chooses the smaller scale mode.
  • Auto : Scales down the largest dimension so the image always fits in view.
Apply Aspect Before RotationApply aspect correction before applying the rotation transform.
UV Remap FilteringRemap the colour image to the image 2d based on a uv map.
No Image BehaviourSelect what colour should appear in the absence of an image input.
Texture Filter Mode
  • Point : Least expensive, worst visual quality
  • Bilinear : Uses bilinear interpolation between the four texels nearest to the point that the pixel represents
  • Anisotrophic : Most expensive, best visual quality
Texture Wrap Mode U/VChange how the image wraps around both the x and y axis if the uv transform moves the image off of the output plane.
  • Clamp : The edges of the image are extended to fill the space left by the transform.
  • Repeat : The image is repeated until if fills the space left by the transform.
  • Border With Black : The image is clipped and the space left by the transform is blank.
Use Image AlphaIf enabled, the node will use the alpha channel of the input image when blending.

Toggle which of the RGBA channels are affected by the effect.

These properties control the transforms of the compositied image, and where it will be place onto the page.

Position XMove along the local x-axis.
Position YMove along the local y-axis.
Position ZMove along the local z-axis.
Rotation BankRotate around the local z-axis.
Scale XScale along the local x-axis.
Scale YScale along the local y-axis.

These properties control the transofrms of the image in UV space, before the compositing transform properties.

UV Offset XMove the object uv along the x axis, local to the screen.
UV Offset YMove the object uv along the y axis, local to the screen.
UV Scale XScale the object uv along the x axis, local to the screen.
UV Scale YScale the object uv along the y axis, local to the screen.

These properties control how a video will behave if selected in the Image property.

Frame OffsetOffset the start frame.
Frame RateControl the frame rate of the video.
Loop End FrameChoose when the video stops looping.

These properties will control how to apply texture animations for sprite sheets.

Is Texture Animation PageToggle whether the input image should be treated as an animation page containing multiple frames of an animation.
Num Frames XThe number of animation frames in the X axis contained in the image.
Num Frames YThe number of animation frames in the Y axis contained in the image.

These properties control how the image is cropped from its initial size.

Crop LeftHow much of the image is cropped from the left.
Crop RightHow much of the image is cropped from the right.
Crop TopHow much of the image is cropped from the bottom.
Crop BottomHow much of the image is cropped from the top.


NameDescriptionTypical Input
ImageThe image to render in to the Post-FX chainVideo Loader
Alpha ImageAdd an image to override the alpha channel of the Image 2D node.Fractal Noise
UV Image RemapAdd an image to use as a UV remap on the Image 2D node.Video Loader