Method #
Generators nodes don’t affect all the same nodes as the rest of the post-fx nodes, as each node functions differently.
- The Gradient 2D node and Gradient Patch node can be linked into a Render To Texture node, for generating effects within a render to texture.
- The Gradient 3D node and Grid node can be applied to a Root node, and any objects in the scene will affected.
- The Voronoi 2D node can be applied to a Root node, and will generate a mesh based on particles.
- The Light Scattering Beam generates a simple light scattering shape in 3D space, useful for adding cheap volumetric lights which contribute little to performance.
The exception to above is the Composite Image node, which can be connected to nodes just like any other post FX node. This node allows you to composite a video node onto another node within a Post-FX chain.

Composite an image directly in a Post-FX chain.

Generate a 2D gradient to input into other nodes.

Generate a 3D gradient that appears on all objects in the scene.

Generate a simple colour pattern.

Generate a 3D grid that appears on all objects in the scene.

Generate a simple light beam.

Generate a mesh based on a particle system.