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FFT Blur / Glow

FFT Blur / Glow

Add a wider blur or glow effect to an image.


Method #

This node performs a blur operation in frequency space using a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). This allows any size of blur to take the same amount of processing time - even for huge blur effects - at the cost of the conversion of the image into frequency space and back, which is constant for a given size of image. This makes this process useful for performing very large blurs much more efficiently than using an iterative blur with the Blur node.

By default this node is set to additive to act as a glow. To use the node as a blur, set the blend mode to solid.


These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

ActiveEnables or disables the effect. Disabling the effect means it will no longer compute, so disabling a node when not in use can improve performance.
Blend AmountChanges the opacity of the new effect over the original image.
Blend Mode (RGB)Change how the generated effect blends with the parent image RGB.
Blend Mode (Alpha)Change how the generated effect blends with the parent image alpha.
Blur Shape TextureShape the blur based on a texture.
Downsample IterationsNumber of times the image is downsampled
Blur SizeThe size of the blur.
ThresholdThe luminance threshold at which a pixel will contribute to the effect.

Toggle which of the RGBA channels are affected by the effect.


NameDescriptionTypical Input
ActiveEnables or disables the effect. Disabling the effect means it will no longer compute, so disabling a node when not in use can improve performance.Envelope Modifier