Method #
Shading nodes change the colour or position of the particles in various ways. Some shading nodes are used to tint particles based on their own individual attributes such as their life or velocity; others consider them as a system and shade them by density of particles in a given area; and others use properties from the scene in order to generate lighting and shadow effects. Some other shading nodes generate displacements which are used to offset particle positions at render time.
The generated colour or position is only used at render time and is recalculated every frame, so its state is not stored. Multiple Shading nodes may be used on one set of particles and blended together. They are evaluated in node order. Any Shading nodes need to be connected directly or indirectly to a Particle Root node, and they will only apply to particles within that particle system. If Shading nodes are parented to a particular Particle Emitter they will only apply to particles spawned from that emitter.

Shades particles based on their current properties.

Shades particles by their density.

Displaces a particle to a primitive shape.

Shades particles based on their distance from a point.

Displaces particles based on an image.

Shades particles based on an image.

shades particles based on a keyframe animated colour.

Shades particles over their life span.

Shades particles based on the area of effect from lights.

Shades particles using fractal noise.

Light particles using shadow volumes.

Light particles using voxel cone shading.