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Volume Renderer

Volume Renderer

Renders particles as a density volume.


Method #

This node renders particles using a volume renderer. This causes space to be split into a 3D grid of cells and particles within each cell are accumulated together, before the cells are rendered to screen in depth order. This can give the appearance of a more continuous, solid, smooth result than would be achieved by rendering particles as points. One of the advantages of volume rendering is that lighting and shadow effects can be rendered realistically, with light cast through the grid being absorbed and tinted by filled cells to create transparent shadow effects.

The Resolution parameter controls the resolution of the 3D grid, where higher resolution will give more detail but impact more heavily on performance. The area of space covered by the grid can be controlled by connecting a Bounding Box to the Bounding Box input.

This effect is computationally demanding and may not be suitable for some real-time use cases or hardware targets.


These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

ResolutionThe resolution of the 3D grid used for volume rendering.
ColourThe tint colour applied to the results of the volume render.
Particle SizeEdit the size of the particles once they are rendered.
Particle AlphaChange the alpha value for the particles.
Shadow AlphaChange the alpha of the shadow that is cast by the particles.
Absorption ColourThe tint applied to light as it passes through cells and is absorbed.
Rotation RandomnessERROR: Variable not found: {att-node-particles-rotation-randomness-description}
Luminance RandomnessControl how much randomness is in the luminance of the rendered particles.
Motion Blur AmountControl the amount of motion blur.
Voxel SizeControl the size of the voxels.
Cast ShadowsControl whether shadows are cast.
Fog Near DistanceThe distance at which the fog effect begins to be applied.
Fog RangeThe distance at which the fog effect reaches full intensity.
Fog ColourThe colour of the fog effect.


NameDescriptionTypical Input
Bounding BoxThe region of space included in the volume renderer.Bounding Box
Light NodeLights which affect the volume renderer.Light
Rendered EmittersSpecify which emitters are rendered using this renderer. By default, all emitters connected to the same particle root as the renderer are rendered.Primitive Emitter
Transform ModifiersApply the transforms of another node to this node.Null
Target NodeModifiy the rotations of the node to always direct the z axis towards the input.Null
Local Transform OverrideApply the transforms of another node to this node, relative to its parent.Null