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Trail Emitter

Trail Emitter

Emits particles from other particles.


Method #

This node emits particles from the positions of other currently active particles from other emitters. This is used to create trails of particles.

This node is typically connected as a child of another emitter node. When connected in this way it emits particles at the locations of those emitted from the parent emitter. Alternatively this node can be connected to a Particle Root node and emitters can be connected to the Source Particle Nodes input.

If no emitters are connected this node is ineffective.

The transformation values of this node will be inherited by its children. Furthermore, Affectors, Shading, and Rendering nodes will only be effective to the particles emit by this emitter.


These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

Max Particles Per Source ParticleThe maximum number of new particles emit per source particle every update.
Use Parent Particle CountUse the particle count of the source emitter to scale the number of particles emitted by this trail emitter.
Initial Velocity AmountControl the velocity particles spawn with in the direction of the source particle.
Initial Velocity Tangent AmountControl the velocity particles spawn with in the direction tangential to the source particle.
Parent Transform WeightHow much the transform of the parent affects the transform of the particles.
Parent Transform Weight Life CoeffsHow much the particles are affected by the parent nodes transforms at different stages of the particles life cycle. Values 2 and 3 are control points, and are used to control the curve between values
Parent Transform RandomnessHow much randomness to apply to the parents transform values.

These properties control how the particles are emit from the node, and thier core life properties.

Emitter ActiveChange whether the emitter is on or off.
LifeControl how low long each particle exists for.
RandomnessHow much randomness is added in the particles movement.
Life RandomnessControl the randomness for the life of each particle.
Emission RateWhat percentage of the particles are emitted from the emitter per second.
Max Particle CountSet a maximum particle count for the emitter.
Respawn EnabledToggle whether a particle can respawn.
Emitter Sort KeyControls the processing order of the emitter.

These properties control the material the particles use for emission.

ColourRGB colour of particles.
DiffuseControl how much the light is scattered from the surface of the object.
EmissivenessControl how much light is emitted by the particle.
Life Colour Affecter WeightControls how much the result of any Life Colour Shading nodes are blended with the particle’s colour.
Particle ScaleScale the size of the particle.
Dof AmountHow much depth of field effects the particles material.
DensityThe density, for use in some simulations.
TemperatureThe density, for use in some simulations.
Cooling RateThe cooling rate, for thermal dynamics simulations.
Density DecayControl the rate of decay in the density.
Fade In TimeWhat percentage through the particles life span the particle fades in.
Fade Out TimeWhat percentage through the particles life span the particle fades out.


NameDescriptionTypical Input
Source Particle NodesThe emitter(s) from which particles are used as sources for the trail emitter.Particle Emitters
Mask NodeMask out areas that particles cannot spawn.Image Plane
Colour Control NodesControl the colours of the particles on emission.Colour Ramp
Transform ModifiersApply the transforms of another node to this node.Null
Target NodeModifiy the rotations of the node to always direct the z axis towards the input.Null
Local Transform OverrideApply the transforms of another node to this node, relative to its parent.Null

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