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Manual 1.0 Manual 0.9.23
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Evaluates an expression using input modifier values.

Method #

This node evaluates an expression and outputs its value. The node can have up to four input values.

Available functions #

Symbol Description
Sin Sine
Cos Cosine
Tan Tangent
ASin Inverse Sine
ACos Inverse Cosine
ATan Inverse Tangent
Sqrt Square Root
Log Logarithm
Log10 Logarithm Base 10
Exp Exponential
Abs Absolute
Factorial Factorial

Available operators #

Symbol Description
+ Add
- Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide
^ Power
% Modulus
() Bracket
All trigonometry functions use radians, not degrees.

Example expressions #

Value0 * Value1
(Value0 + Value1) / Value2
(Value0 / Value1) ^ 2
Value0 * Sin(Value1) + Exp(Value2)
// Converts radians to degrees
Value0 * (3.14159265 / 180)

The output is a numeric value that can be further processed with other modifiers, or directly connected to a parameter in another node, using the operation method selected.


These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

Current ValueShows the resulting value of the expression. Cannot be directly changed.
ExpressionThe text expression (see Example expressions above)
Value0-3Values to be used in expression
Modifier OperationThe operation to be performed on the targeted parameter.
  • Add : Adds to the parameter value.
  • Subtract : Subtracts from the parameter value.
  • Multiply : Multiplies the parameter value.
  • Replace : Replaces the parameter value.