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Manual 1.0 Manual 0.9.23
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Condition Modifier

Condition Modifier

Generate a modifier value when a condition is met.

Method #

This node outputs a set value once an input value meets a certain trigger condition.

The output is a numeric value that can be further processed with other modifiers, or directly connected to a parameter in another node, using the operation method selected.


These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

Current ValueShows the current value of the effect. Cannot be directly changed.
ValueBase value to modify the output value with.
ThresholdChanges the threshold for what counts toward the modifier.
Trigger ModeHow the value is modified, once the trigger condition is reached.
  • Constant : As long as the trigger condition is met, the value is output.
  • On Change : Every time the condition changes, the value is triggered once.
  • On Change To True : Once the condition changes to true, the value is triggered once.
  • On Change To False : Once the condition changes to false, the value is triggered once.
Trigger ConditionWhat conditions need to be met for the modifier to be triggered.
  • Greater Than Threshold : The incoming value must be greater than the threshold value.
  • Less Than Threshold : The incoming value must be less than the threshold value.
  • Equal To Threshold : The incoming value must be equal to the threshold value.
Modifier OperationThe operation to be performed on the targeted parameter.
  • Add : Adds to the parameter value.
  • Subtract : Subtracts from the parameter value.
  • Multiply : Multiplies the parameter value.
  • Replace : Replaces the parameter value.


NameDescriptionTypical Input
ValueInput a value from another modifier to be modified by this node.Math Modifier

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