Notch Notch
Manual 1.0 Manual 0.9.23
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Accumulate a value based on the input modifiers.

Method #

This node accumulates a value based on the input values, and the specific mode set in the Accumulator Mode attribute. Useful for building counters, or toggle switches.

The output is a numeric value that can be further processed with other modifiers, or directly connected to a parameter in another node, using the operation method selected.


These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

Current ValueShows the current value of the effect. Cannot be directly changed.
ValueBase value to modify the output value with.
Accumulator ModeHow the accumulator should accumulate values.
  • Value Per Second : the value is added
  • Value Delta : The difference between the previous value and the new value is added.
  • Value : The whole values is on each frame the node is updated.
  • Positive Value Delta : only updates with positive value difference between the current frame and the frame before.
Wrap ModeHow the accumulator wraps when it meets its max value.
  • None : the accumulator continues to add values to itself.
  • Clamp To Max : The accumulator is clamped, and no longer adds values.
  • Wrap : The value wraps back to 0.
AttackControls the initial time between the current value to the peak.
Change ThresholdThreshold below which new values will not be added to the accumulator.
ScaleAdjust the scale/range of the modifier.
Modifier OperationThe operation to be performed on the targeted parameter.
  • Add : Adds to the parameter value.
  • Subtract : Subtracts from the parameter value.
  • Multiply : Multiplies the parameter value.
  • Replace : Replaces the parameter value.
Max ValueMaximum value the accumulator can reach. Only used with “Clamp To Max” or “Wrap” in the Accumulator node.


NameDescriptionTypical Input
ValueInput a value from another modifier to be modified by this node.Math Modifier

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