Method #
Material nodes control how light interacts with the surfaces of objects.
These nodes will accept a material input as a material.
- 3D Object
- Shape 3D
- Text
- Multi Material (Used to create new materials from other materials)
Alpha Blend (Transparent) Material
Add a basic transparent material using a alpha blending.
Diffuse Material
Add a diffuse rough material.
Emissive Material
Add an emissive material.
Glass RT Material
Add a transparent glass material, requires ray tracing.
Add a PBR material.
Metallic Material
Add a metallic material.
Multi Material
Blend two materials together.
Semi-Transparent RT Material
Add semi-transparent material, requires raytracing.
Shadow Catcher Material
Captures shadows and generates a diffuse alpha blended material.
Substance Material
Add an imported SBSAR material from Substance.