Notch Notch
Manual 1.0 Manual 0.9.23
 Light | Dark
Voxel Cone Lighting

Voxel Cone Lighting

Approximate global illumination using voxels.



Method #

Performs global illumination using a filtered voxel representation of the scene. It voxelises objects by using GPU rasterisation, and voxels are filtered at different resolutions depending on their usecase. Coarser resolutions are used for high roughness, finer resolutions are used for low roughness. Lighting is then calculated by raymarching though the voxels. If a Point Cache is available, then points from this cache will be inserted directly in to the voxel hierarchy, in many cases improving performance.


These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

ModeThe shading mode.
  • Diffuse And Reflection :
  • Ambient Occlusion :
  • Ambient Occlusion * Colour :
  • Diffuse Bounce :
BrightnessOverall brightness of the illumination.
Point BrightnessIn development.
Diffuse BrightnessThe amount of diffuse light.
Reflection BrightnessThe amount of reflected or glossily-reflected light.
Envmap BrightnessThe brightness of the fallback environment mapping.
Cone RadiusThe maximum cone radius. This effectively controls the maximum surface roughness.
Max Ray DistanceThe maximum distance to raymarch.
Ray Start OffsetA distance from the surface at which to start marching rays. Raising this value helps to avoid self-intersection problems.
Distance Intensity BoostHow much to raise the brightness of distant samples by.
Min RoughnessMinimum roughness value that reflections will be generated.
Max RoughnessMaximum roughness value that reflections will be generated.
Reflection Max StepsThe maximum steps to perform in raymarching.
Voxel ResolutionThe resolution of the voxel grid.
Voxel FormatThe voxel colour format. 8-bit has lower precision than 16-bit but uses less memory and may have better performance.
DynamicWhen enabled the node will re-generated the voxel hierarchy on every frame. When disabled the node will cache and re-use the last-generated voxel hierarchy.
Antialias Point CacheIf the voxel grid is fed by a point cache, then the points can be anti-aliased.
View VoxelsDisplays the generated voxels to help with debugging.
Show Mip LevelSelects the hierarchy level of the display voxels when View Voxels is enabled.
Show AxisSelects the projection axis of the display voxels when View Voxels is enabled.


NameDescriptionTypical Input
ObjectsControl which objects are affected by the lighting.3D Object
Bounding BoxThe region within which the voxel cone will apply.Bounding Box
Environment MapAdd an environment map to control the lighting generation.Environment Map
Transform ModifiersApply the transforms of another node to this node.Null
Target NodeModifiy the rotations of the node to always direct the z axis towards the input.Null
Local Transform OverrideApply the transforms of another node to this node, relative to its parent.Null