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VR Look-At Trigger

VR Look-At Trigger

trigger effects based on where a VR camera is looking.

Method #

This node allows you to create effects based on what the VR user is looking at. The target is a cuboid region specified by the scale and position.

When the user looks at the defined space, the Current Value parameter will increase (at a rate defined by Required Hit Duration).

All nodes connected to this node are treated as if flowing to the parent node, and inherits any transformation changes along the chain. When connected to an Extractor modifier, you can use the Current Value / Current Value With Button to activate and control other nodes and effects.


These properties control the 3D transforms of the node. Transforms will generally be inherited by child nodes, although they can be ignored through the Inherit Transform Channels attributes.

Position XMove along the local x-axis.
Position YMove along the local y-axis.
Position ZMove along the local z-axis.
Rotation HeadingRotate around the local y-axis.
Rotation PitchRotate around the local x-axis.
Rotation BankRotate around the local z-axis.
Scale XScale along the local x-axis.
Scale YScale along the local y-axis.
Scale ZScale along the local z-axis.

Toggle which transform channels should be inherited from the parent node. By default, all transforms will be inherited.

Position XToggle inheritance of the X Position from the parent.
Position YToggle inheritance of the Y Position from the parent.
Position ZToggle inheritance of the Z Position from the parent.
Rotation HeadingToggle inheritance of the Rotation Heading from the parent.
Rotation PitchToggle inheritance of the Rotation Pitch from the parent.
Rotation BankToggle inheritance of the Rotation Bank from the parent.
Scale XToggle inheritance of the X Scale from the parent.
Scale YToggle inheritance of the Y Scale from the parent.
Scale ZToggle inheritance of the Z Scale from the parent.
World Position OnlyInherit the world position from the parent only, rotation and scale will be ignored. Overrides above properties.
Inherit TimeToggle inheritance of time from the parent.

These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

Current ValueValue moves from 0.0 to 1.0 as the VR user looks at the target. Speed is set by Required Hit Duration.
Current Value With ButtonValue moves from 0.0 to 1.0 as the VR user looks at the target, but increases greatly when a button is pressed. Speed is set by Required Hit Duration With Button.
Required Hit DurationThe time it takes for the current value to move from 0.0 to 1.0, while the user is looking at the target.
Required Hit Duration With ButtonThe time it takes for the current value with button to move from 0.0 to 1.0, while the user is looking at the target.
Lookat Speed MultiplierModify how quickly the Lookat Speed increases on the Current Value With Button.
Check VR ControllersEnable / Disable the Vr Controllers to be checked if pointing to target.

These properties control how the hit point is visualised, useful for debugging.

Show Hit PointsEnable/Disable Hit Point images.
Hit Point SizeSize of the Hit Point image.
Hit Point AlphaAlpha of the Hit Point image.
Hit Point ColourTint the colour of the Hit Point image.
Hit Point ImageSelect an image to be shown when the nodes is activated. Will be overwritten by input nodes.


NameDescriptionTypical Input
Hit Point ImageAdd an image to appear when the node is triggered.Video Loader
Transform ModifiersApply the transforms of another node to this node.Null
Target NodeModifiy the rotations of the node to always direct the z axis towards the input.Null
Local Transform OverrideApply the transforms of another node to this node, relative to its parent.Null