Notch Notch
Manual 1.0 Manual 0.9.23
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Clock Time Modifier

Clock Time Modifier

Converts the system time as a modifier.

Method #

This node converts the system time of the current machine and outputs it as a modifier. Useful for making rotational or digital clocks which update based on current time.


These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

Time ModeChoose which time is used for the modifier.
  • System Clock Time : time based on the system clock of the PC used.
  • User Set Time : a time set by the user.
  • Looping Set User Time : the same as Set User Time, but is looped back to User Time once the layer ends.
Value ModeChoose how the value of the time is output.
  • Seconds As Rotation : seconds are output as radian values.
  • Minutes As Rotation : minutes are output as radian values.
  • Hours As 12-Hour Rotation : hours are output as radian values, following a 12 hour clock.
  • Hours As 24-Hour Rotation : hours are output as radian values, following a 24 hour clock.
  • Hours+Minutes As 12-Hour Rotation : hours and minutes are output as radian values, following a 12 hour clock.
  • Hours+Minutes As 24-Hour Rotation : hours and minutes are output as radian values, following a 24 hour clock.
  • Seconds As Value : seconds are output as their numerical value.
  • Milliseconds As Value : milliseconds are output as their numerical value.
ScaleScale the output modifier.
OperationWhat operation is done to the modified attribute.
  • Add : adds the current value to where its input.
  • Subtract : subtracts the current value to where its input.
  • Multiply : multiplies the current value to where its input.
  • Replace : replace the value where its input by the current value.
User TimeChoose when the user time starts.
User End TimeChoose when the user time ends.
User DateChange the date for the User Time.


There are no inputs for this node.