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Blacktrax Array

Blacktrax Array

Generate an array using mutliple Blacktrax Trackables as a source.

Method #

Takes multiple Blacktrax Trackables and instantiates the child nodes at the tracked points. You can track either the rigid body positions and rotation (Centroids) of given trackables or every LED of the trackable.

See the Array Sources node to see how this node is used in the nodegraph to multi-instance child nodes.

If you only wish to instantiate a subset of the trackables that Blacktrax is sending you can use the Trackable Filter attribute to set a prefix filter that all trackable ids must start with.

To enable listening to the Blacktrax data, you need to configure the Blacktrax options in menu: Devices->Mocap/Camera/Streaming Device Settings
A trackable is a Blacktrax name for a tracked object. It can either be a point, or rigid body.

The output transform array may be used directly with a Clone To Transform Array, or to clone other nodes within a Field System or Particle System.


These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

Trackable TypeChoose whether to take the centroid of all the LEDs or instantiate an array item for each LED
Use Blacktrax RotationsUse the rotations passed through by Blacktrax.
Flip Z AxisFlip positions in the Z axis
Trackable FilterA prefix filter for the trackable names.
Apply Node Transforms To Array Elements OnlyWhen Enabled, transform changes applied to this nodes transform properties will also be applied to the array elements, and carried onto any nodes this data is used.