Mocap Stream
Method #
This node allows a pre-recorded motion capture data stream to be used as a proxy / replacement for live motion capture data on the Perception Neuron Mocap Skeleton node. When this node is connected to the Perception Neuron Mocap Skeleton’s “Mocap Stream” input, it overrides live data.
The node requires a motion capture data stream to be set via the “Mocap Stream” parameter. This stream should either be a BVH file loaded as a “BVH Animation” resource, or data recorded from Perception Neuron loaded as a “Perception Neuron Mocap Stream” resource.
Parameter | Details |
Mocap Stream | The mocap stream resource. |
Active | Determines whether the node is active and its data should be used. |
Time Mode | Change how the stream is sampled with respect to the scene’s playback time.
Time Offset | The time offset for the animation. |
Playback Rate | The playback rate of the animation. |
Interpolation | The interpolation mode for the animation’s keyframes.
Name | Description | Typical Input |
Active | Enables or disables the effect. Disabling the effect means it will no longer compute, so disabling a node when not in use can improve performance. | Envelope Modifier |