Notch Notch
Manual 1.0 Manual 0.9.23
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Project a texture onto surfaces.



Example .dfx

Method #

This node projects a texture onto surfaces within its projection area. Useful for adding extra detail onto larger surfaces without editing the underlying texture, like graffiti onto a wall.


These properties control the 3D transforms of the node. Transforms will generally be inherited by child nodes, although they can be ignored through the Inherit Transform Channels attributes.

Position XMove along the local x-axis.
Position YMove along the local y-axis.
Position ZMove along the local z-axis.
Rotation HeadingRotate around the local y-axis.
Rotation PitchRotate around the local x-axis.
Rotation BankRotate around the local z-axis.
Scale XScale along the local x-axis.
Scale YScale along the local y-axis.
Scale ZScale along the local z-axis.

Toggle which transform channels should be inherited from the parent node. By default, all transforms will be inherited.

Position XToggle inheritance of the X Position from the parent.
Position YToggle inheritance of the Y Position from the parent.
Position ZToggle inheritance of the Z Position from the parent.
Rotation HeadingToggle inheritance of the Rotation Heading from the parent.
Rotation PitchToggle inheritance of the Rotation Pitch from the parent.
Rotation BankToggle inheritance of the Rotation Bank from the parent.
Scale XToggle inheritance of the X Scale from the parent.
Scale YToggle inheritance of the Y Scale from the parent.
Scale ZToggle inheritance of the Z Scale from the parent.
World Position OnlyInherit the world position from the parent only, rotation and scale will be ignored. Overrides above properties.
Inherit TimeToggle inheritance of time from the parent.

These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

Mapping typeSets the mapping type for the decal
Original UV'sUses the shapes UVs
  • Planar : Sets a planar UV map.
  • Cubic : Sets a cube UV map.
  • Spherical : Sets a spherical UV map.
  • Normal Face-Map : Sets a planar UV map.
  • Perspective : Sets a perspective UV map.
  • Equirectangular : Sets an equirectangular UV map.
ColourAdds colour to the texture
Blend AmountSets the blend of the texture
Normal FalloffSets the falloff of the texture
Texture Filter ModeToggles between Point, Bilinear and Anisotropic
Texture Wrap Mode UToggles between Repeat, clamped and Border with black
Texture Wrap Mode VToggles between Repeat, clamped and Border with black

These properties transform the decal image through its projection plane.

UV Scale XScale the UV texture along the X axis.
UV Scale YScale the UV texture along the Y axis.
UV Offset XOffset the UV texture along the X axis.
UV Offset YOffset the UV texture along the Y axis.

These propertiex control where the decal node is applied based on a falloff function.

Falloff Enabledtoggles off and on
Falloff ShapeSets the shape of the falloff.
Falloff RangeSets the range of the falloff
Falloff Inner RangeSets the inner range of the falloff
Falloff Curve PowerSets the power of the falloff
Invert Fallofftoggles off and on inverting the falloff
Falloff CurveSets the fall of curve


NameDescriptionTypical Input
Affected ObjectsSelect which objects should be affected by the decal.3D Object
ImageImage to apply to the object.Video Loader
MappingAdd a mapping node to control how the mapping affects the shape.Mapping
Falloff NodeUse an input node to control the falloff of the DecalNull
Transform ModifiersApply the transforms of another node to this node.Null
Target NodeModifiy the rotations of the node to always direct the z axis towards the input.Null
Local Transform OverrideApply the transforms of another node to this node, relative to its parent.Null