Method #
The field root node controls the physical dimensions and density of the voxel grid as well as its simulation properties. In 2D (with depth set to 1), the field is optimised for 2D and runs a bit faster than you might expect. This does mean some emitters and affectors which run in 2D might not work in 3D, and vice versa.
As a root of a Field system, all subsequent field nodes need to connect to this node. Fields can also be used to drive a Particle System using the Particle Field Affector, or emit particles with the Particle Field Emitter. For 2D Fields, the field can also output the colour data directly into Video Nodes as a 2D texture, although Post-FX are not supported directly onto the Root. This is useful for quickly pushing a 2D field to fill the screen, by connecting to an Image 2D.
For use with Procedurals, you’ll need to use the Field Level Set Root instead.
These properties control the 3D transforms of the node. Transforms will generally be inherited by child nodes, although they can be ignored through the Inherit Transform Channels attributes.
Parameter Details
Position X Move along the local x-axis.
Position Y Move along the local y-axis.
Position Z Move along the local z-axis.
Rotation Heading Rotate around the local y-axis.
Rotation Pitch Rotate around the local x-axis.
Rotation Bank Rotate around the local z-axis.
Scale X Scale along the local x-axis.
Scale Y Scale along the local y-axis.
Scale Z Scale along the local z-axis.
Toggle which transform channels should be inherited from the parent node. By default, all transforms will be inherited.
Parameter Details
Position X Toggle inheritance of the X Position from the parent.
Position Y Toggle inheritance of the Y Position from the parent.
Position Z Toggle inheritance of the Z Position from the parent.
Rotation Heading Toggle inheritance of the Rotation Heading from the parent.
Rotation Pitch Toggle inheritance of the Rotation Pitch from the parent.
Rotation Bank Toggle inheritance of the Rotation Bank from the parent.
Scale X Toggle inheritance of the X Scale from the parent.
Scale Y Toggle inheritance of the Y Scale from the parent.
Scale Z Toggle inheritance of the Z Scale from the parent.
World Position Only Inherit the world position from the parent only, rotation and scale will be ignored. Overrides above properties.
Inherit Time Toggle inheritance of time from the parent.
These properties control the core behaviours of the node.
Parameter Details
Width Voxel resolution of the field on the x axis.
Height Voxel resolution of the field on the y axis.
Depth Voxel resolution of the field on the z axis. Note that at values above 1, an advanced 3d solver is being used and performance can be significantly impacted.
Colour Fade How quickly the colour/ink fades.
Velocity Dampening How fast the velocities are dampened.
Temperature Fade How fast the temperature values are dampened.
Updraft Velocity How quickly higher temperatures move upwards.
Lock Update Rate Locks the update rate of the field to a particular frame rate.
Locked Update Framerate Set the frame rate at which the field simulation is updated. Only functions with “Lock Update Rate” enabled.
Wrap Update At Edges Allow ink and velocities to wrap around from the edges, i.e. velocities at the right edge can push through to left. Only functions in a 2D field.
Clear Every Frame Clears the ink and velocities of the field every frame. This means affectors will no longer function if connected to this node.
Visualise Field Visualised the velocity field, showing what forces are impacting the field.
Density Field Mode Change how field density is visualised and simulated.
- Colours : Various colours from each emitter are generated into the field.
- Densities : Colour values are ignored from emission into the field.
- Densities and Temperatures : Colour values are ignored from emission into the field, and temperature values are simulated in the field.
Upres Density Field When enabled, the Density field will be double in resolution, but the velocity field remain the same size. This will give much greater clarity to the image, with a smaller impact on performance.
These properties control the 3D transforms of the node. Transforms will generally be inherited by child nodes, although they can be ignored through the Inherit Transform Channels attributes.
Parameter | Details |
Position X | Move along the local x-axis. |
Position Y | Move along the local y-axis. |
Position Z | Move along the local z-axis. |
Rotation Heading | Rotate around the local y-axis. |
Rotation Pitch | Rotate around the local x-axis. |
Rotation Bank | Rotate around the local z-axis. |
Scale X | Scale along the local x-axis. |
Scale Y | Scale along the local y-axis. |
Scale Z | Scale along the local z-axis. |
Toggle which transform channels should be inherited from the parent node. By default, all transforms will be inherited.
Parameter | Details |
Position X | Toggle inheritance of the X Position from the parent. |
Position Y | Toggle inheritance of the Y Position from the parent. |
Position Z | Toggle inheritance of the Z Position from the parent. |
Rotation Heading | Toggle inheritance of the Rotation Heading from the parent. |
Rotation Pitch | Toggle inheritance of the Rotation Pitch from the parent. |
Rotation Bank | Toggle inheritance of the Rotation Bank from the parent. |
Scale X | Toggle inheritance of the X Scale from the parent. |
Scale Y | Toggle inheritance of the Y Scale from the parent. |
Scale Z | Toggle inheritance of the Z Scale from the parent. |
World Position Only | Inherit the world position from the parent only, rotation and scale will be ignored. Overrides above properties. |
Inherit Time | Toggle inheritance of time from the parent. |
These properties control the core behaviours of the node.
Parameter | Details |
Width | Voxel resolution of the field on the x axis. |
Height | Voxel resolution of the field on the y axis. |
Depth | Voxel resolution of the field on the z axis. Note that at values above 1, an advanced 3d solver is being used and performance can be significantly impacted. |
Colour Fade | How quickly the colour/ink fades. |
Velocity Dampening | How fast the velocities are dampened. |
Temperature Fade | How fast the temperature values are dampened. |
Updraft Velocity | How quickly higher temperatures move upwards. |
Lock Update Rate | Locks the update rate of the field to a particular frame rate. |
Locked Update Framerate | Set the frame rate at which the field simulation is updated. Only functions with “Lock Update Rate” enabled. |
Wrap Update At Edges | Allow ink and velocities to wrap around from the edges, i.e. velocities at the right edge can push through to left. Only functions in a 2D field. |
Clear Every Frame | Clears the ink and velocities of the field every frame. This means affectors will no longer function if connected to this node. |
Visualise Field | Visualised the velocity field, showing what forces are impacting the field. |
Density Field Mode | Change how field density is visualised and simulated.
Upres Density Field | When enabled, the Density field will be double in resolution, but the velocity field remain the same size. This will give much greater clarity to the image, with a smaller impact on performance. |
Name | Description | Typical Input |
Bounding Box | Bounding box beyond which fields are killed. | Bounding Box |
Transform Modifiers | Apply the transforms of another node to this node. | Null |
Target Node | Modifiy the rotations of the node to always direct the z axis towards the input. | Null |
Local Transform Override | Apply the transforms of another node to this node, relative to its parent. | Null |