Notch Notch
Manual 1.0 Manual 0.9.23
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Node Object

Node Object

AddChild() Adds a node as a child of another node.
AddInput() Creates an input connection between a node and a property.
AsRSSFeedNode() Returns the node as a RSSFeedNode object, if this is the correct node type.
DeleteNode() Deletes the node.
GetChild() Retrieves the child node object with the given index.
GetEndTime() Provides the end time of the node (as per Notch timeline) in hundredths of a second.
GetEnvelopeValue() Retrieves the calculated value (post modifiers and keyframes) of a float property in a node.
GetFloat() Retrieves the value of a float property in a node.
GetName() Returns the name of the node.
GetNodeGraphPosition() Retrieves the location (X and Y position) of a node within the nodegraph.
GetNumChildren() Returns the number of child nodes.
GetNumParents() Returns the number of parent nodes.
GetParent() Retrieves the parent node object with the given index.
GetStartTime() Provides the start time of the node (as per Notch timeline) in hundredths of a second.
GetString() Retrieves the value of a string property within a node.
GetTransformArrayColour() Gets the colour of an element from an [Exposable Array](nodes-interactive-array-sources-exposable-array) node.
GetTransformArrayPRS() Gets the position, rotation and scale of an element from an [Exposable Array](nodes-interactive-array-sources-exposable-array) node.
GetTransformArrayUVScaleOffset() Gets the UV scale and offset of an element from an [Exposable Array](nodes-interactive-array-sources-exposable-array) node.
GetVisible() Retrieves the visible state of the node.
RemoveChild() Removes a child node from a node.
RemoveInput() Deletes an input connection between a node and a property.
SetEnvelopeValue() Sets the value of a float property in a node but only for run/calculation time.
SetFloat() Sets the value of a float property in a node.
SetInt() Sets the value of an integer property in a node.
SetName() Sets the name of the node.
SetNodeGraphPosition() Sets the position of a node in the nodegraph.
SetPropertyArtnet16Bit() Sets the ArtNet property for a node's parameter to be 16-bit.
SetPropertyArtnetDisabled() Disables ArtNet for a node's parameter.
SetPropertyArtnetLocation() Sets the ArtNet property location for a node's parameter.
SetString() Sets the value of a string property in a node.
SetTransformArrayColour() Sets the colour of an element from an [Exposable Array](nodes-interactive-array-sources-exposable-array) node.
SetTransformArrayPRS() Sets the position, rotation and scale of an element from an [Exposable Array](nodes-interactive-array-sources-exposable-array) node.
SetTransformArrayUVScaleOffset() Sets the UV scale and offset of an element from an [Exposable Array](nodes-interactive-array-sources-exposable-array) node.
SetVisible() Sets whether the node is visible.