Time Stretch
Method #
This node stretches and adjusts the time being passed to all of its children and their respective subtrees that will be used for animation, keyframes and so on. Most commonly used with simulation nodes, such as the Particles or Fields.
It does not affect visibility as controlled by timeline bars.
These properties control the core behaviours of the node.
Parameter Details
Time Modification Mode Change how the time in the child node is affected.
- Speed : The speed that the affected node is played at is modified.
- Absolute Time : Control the absoolute time that the affected node is currently at.
Affects LWS Only Toggles whether the time stretch only affects Light Wave Scenes.
Time Change the time that the affected node is currently at, in seconds. Only functions with “absolute time” selected in the time modification mode attribute.
Speed Change the speed that the affected node is played at. Only functions with “Speed” selected in the time modification mode attribute.
Time Offset Offset the affected nodes time.
Time Stretch Enabled Enable or disable the time stretch node.
These properties control the core behaviours of the node.
Parameter | Details |
Time Modification Mode | Change how the time in the child node is affected.
Affects LWS Only | Toggles whether the time stretch only affects Light Wave Scenes. |
Time | Change the time that the affected node is currently at, in seconds. Only functions with “absolute time” selected in the time modification mode attribute. |
Speed | Change the speed that the affected node is played at. Only functions with “Speed” selected in the time modification mode attribute. |
Time Offset | Offset the affected nodes time. |
Time Stretch Enabled | Enable or disable the time stretch node. |
Name | Description | Typical Input |
Blend Amount | How much the newly output time will affect the child nodes. | Envelope Modifier |