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Method #

Cameras are used to view a 3D scene.

Cameras are generally hooked into the Root node, although they can be applied to any node - they will still appear in the scene as long as there is a path to a Root node; they will inherit the transformation values of parent nodes.

Cameras can be used within a Render To Texture setup to use the view from a camera, which can output a texture to be reused within the scene.

Most Post-FX nodes applied to a camera will only be visible when viewed through that camera.

Connecting a Null to a cameras Target Node input is a useful way to quickly point a camera at something.


Camera Places a standard 3D camera in the scene.
Camera Focus Target A transform for a cameras depth of field parameters to focus on.
Cylindrical Camera Places a camera for generating a 360 degree panoramic render of the scene.
Exposable Camera Places a camera designed to be controlled directly by a media server when running as a block.
Fisheye Camera Places a camera with a wide fish-eye lens into the scene.
Hardware Tracking Camera Places a camera which receives data from external camera tracking systems.
Multi Camera Places a node which combines multiple cameras views together into a single render.
Orbit Camera Places a Camera which uses a target to orients around, similar to the scene editing Orbit Camera.
Proxy Camera Places a camera which uses a camera from another layer in the project.
Region Camera Places a camera whose view is fixed to a particular area of the scene.
Stereo Camera Places a camera which uses stereioscopic methods to record two prespectives into one render view.
UV Camera Places a camera which captures the lighting and materials from a connected 3D object and renders it onto the objects UV Map.
VR 360 Camera Places a camera which captures a 360 projection of the scene around it.
VR Headset Camera Places a camera designed for use with VR headsets.

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