Notch Notch
Manual 1.0 Manual 0.9.23
 Light | Dark


Updated: 15 Jan 2025


Notch uses the standard Alt+Mouse buttons to orient in the viewport. Perspective and most Cameras will rotate around their own central pivot, like a flying camera, while the Orbit Cameras will rotate about a floating point in space in front of the camera - more similar a traditional modelling camera.

Shortcut Description
Alt+LMB In the Orbit Cameras, rotate camera about its pivot point.
In the Perspective Cameras, rotate the camera about its center.
Alt+MMB Pan camera through the scene in camera space.
Alt+RMB Dolly camera forwards and backwards in the direction its facing.

These are just the basics, find the rest of the shortcuts on our Shortcuts Page.

Cameras #

You can select the active viewport camera here. You can choose between the default editor cameras and user cameras from the nodegraph.

Name your cameras with F5 so you know which one is which.

Viewport Render Navigation #

When not in an auto scaling mode, you can also choose to navigate the rendering image in the viewport using these viewport buttons.

Icon Label Description
Pan Move around the rendered viewport image in screen space.
Zoom Zoom in and out of the rendered viewport image in screen space.
Reset Resets the Pan and Zoom to fill the viewport.
image scaling

Certain Nodes, such as Splines and the Paint Clones, will also generate extra tools which can be used from the side bar. These are extra tools you can use to help control various parameters and settings of those nodes.