Paint Clones
Method #
Gives the user the ability to paint cloned objects onto existing geometry in the viewport. Each Paint Clones node owns those clones.
Painting new clones on viewport geometry and removing clones #
Adding of new clones on to viewport geometry is achieved by either:
- holding down LMB to place a new clone (behaviour dependent on placement mode)
- In Painting mode, set the Brush mode to place a spread of clones within the defined radius
- To change the brush radius either change the Brush Radius property directly or use CTRL + SHIFT + scroll-wheel to change the radius in the viewport
- The brush radius is also used in Erase mode, change the radius of the erasure brush in the same way
- You can place clones offset from a surface, by using the Depth Bias Mode, either in the direction of the surface normal or towards the camera
- As with other cloners you have a number of spawn modes which will choose a child node to place on a surface in a specific way
- You can scale and rotate new clones before placing on a surface by using scroll-wheel and SHIFT + scroll-wheel
- You can randomise the rotation of new clones by using RMB
- in Child Number mode for spawn mode, you can use the up and down arrow keys to select the child you want
- CTRL + LMB will select a placed clone and you can transform or place those clones after they have been placed on a surface
In summary the following controls are used:
- LMB – place or paint clones
- CTRL + LMB – select a placed clone (you need the Paint Clones node selected before hand or CTRL + LMB twice)
- RMB – Random Rotate the child before placing on a surface
- SCROLLWHEEL – Scale the child before placing on a surface
- SHIFT + SCROLLWHEEL – Rotate the heading of the child before placing on a surface
- DELETE - Delete the selected clone
- CTRL + SHIFT + SCROLLWHEEL – Change the radius of a Brush painting area
- CTRL + SHIFT + SCROLLWHEEL – Change the radius of the erasure brush when in Erase mode
- UP / DOWN keys – In Child Number spawn mode, selects the child to place on a surface
Parameter Details
Mode Change the clone placement mode.
- Placement : LMB in viepwort place a clone and drag it into place.
- Painting : LMB in viewport to continuously paint clones on a surface.
- Erase : LMB in viewport to erase clones already placed on a surface.
Clone Brush Mode When in Painting mode, change the painting method.
- Point : LMB to paint clones where the mouse is on the surface.
- Brush : LMB to paint clones within the brush radius, change the radius by CTRL + SHIFT + Mousewheel.
Brush Radius The brush radius when in Painting and Brush mode.
Spread Flow The amount of clones placed around the surface hit point when in Painting and Brush mode.
Spread Rate The frame frequency clones are placed around the surface hit point when in Painting and Brush mode.
Clone Separation The distance between two clone placements on a surface, set this if you do not want them to overlap.
Depth Bias Mode Change the Depth bias mode, to bias a certain distance from the surface.
- Normal : Bias along the surface normal.
- Viewport : Bias off the hit surface, in the direction of the camera.
Surface Offset Surface bias distance, at what distance from the hit surface a clone is offset from.
Clone Overlap Mode Control how a placed clone behaves with respect to surrounding clones already placed.
- Always : Always place, overlapping clone geometry allowed.
- Avoid : Always avoid overlapping clones, do not place a clone if it overlaps with another based on bounds.
- Shrink To Fit : When placing a clone, scale the clone to fit inbetween existing clones.
Clone Scale Global clone scale for all clones placed with this Paint Clones node (scales after placement or before)
Spawn Mode Set the spawn mode of child nodes as clones.
- All : Place one of each child node with every placement on a surface.
- Iterate : Iterate over the connected child nodes.
- Random : Randomly select a child node.
- Child Number : Use the selected child node (by using up/down arrow keys in the viewport).
Child The selected child node index (use up/down arrow keys to select this or change the property).
New Clone Scale Mode Set the scaling mode of new clones placed on a surface.
- None : Take the child node scale as placed clone’s scale.
- Random : Randomise scaling per axis using the ranges supplied in X/Y/Z Min & Max properties.
- Uniform : Set the uniform scale along all axis (use scrollwheel to set the scale before placement of new clones).
New Clone Scale When in Uniform scaling mode, set this property as the scale (also set using scrollwheel in the viewport).
Uniform Scale Min & Max Set the Range of values to randomise the scale uniformally.
Randomise Scale Set the scaling axis that should be randomised, if Random scale is enabled.
X Min & Max Set the Range of values to randomise the X axis.
Y Min & Max Set the Range of values to randomise the Y axis.
Z Min & Max Set the Range of values to randomise the Z axis.
New Clone Rotation Mode Set the rotation mode of new clones placed on a surface.
- Align To Normals : Align placed clones along the normal of the hit surface.
- None : Take the child node rotation as placed clone’s scale.
- Random : Randomise rotation per axis using the ranges supplied in H/P/B Min & Max properties.
New Clone Rotation When in Align To Normals rotation mode, set this property as the Heading rotation offset (also set using scrollwheel + SHIFT key in the viewport).
Randomise Rotation Set the rotation axis that should be randomised, if Random scale is enabled.
H Min & Max Set the Range of values to randomise the Heading axis.
P Min & Max Set the Range of values to randomise the Pitch axis.
B Min & Max Set the Range of values to randomise the Bank axis.
Inherit Surface Colour Sets mode where each clone inherits the colour of the surface it is painted on.
Paint On Clones Activates the ability to paint on already painted clones attached to this paint clones node.
Clear Clones Clears all clones on this clonepainter node.
Parameter Details
Clone Count Number of clones currently painted.
Parameter | Details |
Mode | Change the clone placement mode.
Clone Brush Mode | When in Painting mode, change the painting method.
Brush Radius | The brush radius when in Painting and Brush mode. |
Spread Flow | The amount of clones placed around the surface hit point when in Painting and Brush mode. |
Spread Rate | The frame frequency clones are placed around the surface hit point when in Painting and Brush mode. |
Clone Separation | The distance between two clone placements on a surface, set this if you do not want them to overlap. |
Depth Bias Mode | Change the Depth bias mode, to bias a certain distance from the surface.
Surface Offset | Surface bias distance, at what distance from the hit surface a clone is offset from. |
Clone Overlap Mode | Control how a placed clone behaves with respect to surrounding clones already placed.
Clone Scale | Global clone scale for all clones placed with this Paint Clones node (scales after placement or before) |
Spawn Mode | Set the spawn mode of child nodes as clones.
Child | The selected child node index (use up/down arrow keys to select this or change the property). |
New Clone Scale Mode | Set the scaling mode of new clones placed on a surface.
New Clone Scale | When in Uniform scaling mode, set this property as the scale (also set using scrollwheel in the viewport). |
Uniform Scale Min & Max | Set the Range of values to randomise the scale uniformally. |
Randomise Scale | Set the scaling axis that should be randomised, if Random scale is enabled. |
X Min & Max | Set the Range of values to randomise the X axis. |
Y Min & Max | Set the Range of values to randomise the Y axis. |
Z Min & Max | Set the Range of values to randomise the Z axis. |
New Clone Rotation Mode | Set the rotation mode of new clones placed on a surface.
New Clone Rotation | When in Align To Normals rotation mode, set this property as the Heading rotation offset (also set using scrollwheel + SHIFT key in the viewport). |
Randomise Rotation | Set the rotation axis that should be randomised, if Random scale is enabled. |
H Min & Max | Set the Range of values to randomise the Heading axis. |
P Min & Max | Set the Range of values to randomise the Pitch axis. |
B Min & Max | Set the Range of values to randomise the Bank axis. |
Inherit Surface Colour | Sets mode where each clone inherits the colour of the surface it is painted on. |
Paint On Clones | Activates the ability to paint on already painted clones attached to this paint clones node. |
Clear Clones | Clears all clones on this clonepainter node. |
Parameter | Details |
Clone Count | Number of clones currently painted. |
Name | Description | Typical Input |
Effectors | Control how the clones behave once spawned. See Effectors. | Plain Effector |
Surface Nodes | Attach geometry nodes that can be used as a canvas, if none attached, all nodes in view of camera are used as painting canvas | 3D Object |
Transform Modifiers | Apply the transforms of another node to this node. | Null |
Target Node | Modifiy the rotations of the node to always direct the z axis towards the input. | Null |
Local Transform Override | Apply the transforms of another node to this node, relative to its parent. | Null |