Notch Notch
Manual 1.0 Manual 0.9.23
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Method #

Deformers change the positions of vertices in a parent mesh, or in some cases, alter the topology of the mesh itself. Generally these nodes are used with the 3D Primitive, 3D Object, or the Combine Geometry nodes, but any node which generates geometry is applicable.

Deformers use a stacking order to define the order in which they are processed; top to bottom, then left to right. This makes it easy to stack multiple kinds of deformers together into much more complex effects.

Colour And Material

These nodes tint the Colours and set new Materials for meshes.

Colour Map DeformerColour Map Deformer

Colours a mesh based on an input image

Colour Ramp DeformerColour Ramp Deformer

Colours a mesh based on an input Colour Ramp

Set Material DeformerSet Material Deformer

Assigns a material to polygons of the parent mesh


Apply physics simulations to the vertices of the parent mesh.

Cloth DeformerCloth Deformer

Add a cloth simulation to mesh geometry

Rope DeformerRope Deformer

Add a rope simulation to line geometry


These nodes create and edit Point geometry.

Merge PointsMerge Points

Merge vertices of the parent mesh by proximity

Object To PointsObject To Points

Convert the parent mesh into points

Scale PrimitivesScale Primitives

Scales the points and lines of a parent mesh

Spread Out PointsSpread Out Points

Spread out the vertices of the parent mesh

Splines And Lines

These nodes create and modify Spline or Line geometry.

Connect With LinesConnect With Lines

Generates lines between the parent mesh to a destination mesh

Duplicate SplinesDuplicate Splines

Generate altered duplicates the parent spline

Object To Lines/SplinesObject To Lines/Splines

Convert the parent mesh into lines or splines

Simplify SplineSimplify Spline

Reduce the number of anchors in a parent spline

Spline DeformerSpline Deformer

Deform the parent mesh along an input spline

Spline ExtendSpline Extend

Cut and extend a parent mesh along a spline

Spread LinesSpread Lines

Generates lines on the parent mesh.

Wireframe To GeometryWireframe To Geometry

Turns the edges of the parent mesh into tubes and spheres


These nodes create and modify Mesh Geometry.


Rounds off the edges of the parent mesh


Modifies a mesh by cutting away areas


Cuts the parent mesh along a plane

Delete PolygonsDelete Polygons

Delete polygons within its range

Detach PolygonsDetach Polygons

Disconnect the faces of a mesh from each other


Cut and extend a parent mesh

Extrude PolygonsExtrude Polygons

Extrudes each face of a mesh individually


Apply a growing effect to the parent mesh

Flip PolygonsFlip Polygons

Flip the polygons of the parent mesh


Iteratively subdivides and shifts polygons of the parent mesh


Generates a mirror cut through a mesh


Retopologises the parent mesh

Shift PolygonsShift Polygons

Extrudes polygons of the parent mesh


Cuts slices into a mesh


Iteratively subdivides the polygons of the parent mesh


Iteratively tessellates the polygons of the parent mesh


Converts all faces in the parent mesh to triangular faces

Voronoi FractureVoronoi Fracture

Fracture the parent mesh into voronoi chunks


These nodes modify the UVs of a mesh.

Generate Atlas Quad UVsGenerate Atlas Quad UVs

Generates unique UVs for the parent mesh

Generate UVsGenerate UVs

Sets where the UVs should be generated within the deformer heirarchy


These nodes move the Vertices of connected geometry.

3D Plasma Deformer3D Plasma Deformer

Deforms geometry based on overlapping sine waves


Bends geometry to follow a point

Chunk Effector DeformerChunk Effector Deformer

Deforms geometry by transforming unconnected pieces with cloning effectors

Curl Noise DeformerCurl Noise Deformer

Deforms geometry based on a curl noise function

Displacement MapDisplacement Map

Displaces geometry based on an input image

Distortion DeformerDistortion Deformer

Deforms geometry based on a distortion function

Face Tracking DeformerFace Tracking Deformer

Deforms geometry based on input face tracking data

MDD DeformerMDD Deformer

Deform a mesh based on an MDD file

Morph DeformerMorph Deformer

Provides controls for Blend Shapes / Morph Targets from the connected mesh

Noise DeformerNoise Deformer

Deforms geometry using noise

Ocean Wave DeformerOcean Wave Deformer

Deforms geometry based on a simple ocean wave simulation

Particle Bone DeformerParticle Bone Deformer

Deforms geometry by allowing Particle Affectors to apply to the mesh bones

Particle Mesh DeformerParticle Mesh Deformer

Deforms geometry by allowing Particle Affectors to apply to the mesh vertices

Plain DeformerPlain Deformer

Deforms geometry based on its position and a set transform direction

Point DeformerPoint Deformer

Deforms geometry by using input points as a transform source

Quantise DeformerQuantise Deformer

Deforms geometry by snapping the positions for each vertex a set grid

Ripple DeformerRipple Deformer

Displaces geometry using a ripple effect

Sine DeformerSine Deformer

Deforms geometry based on a sine wave


Deforms geometry by iteratively smoothing the vertices

Sound DeformerSound Deformer

Deforms geometry using the waveform from an input audio source


Deform geometry by applying a taper deformation

Transfer SkinTransfer Skin

Transfer the deformations from one rigged mesh to another

Turbulence DeformerTurbulence Deformer

Deform a mesh using a turbulence function


Twists geometry around a central axis


These nodes control where other deformers are effective.

Attribute WeightmapAttribute Weightmap

Generates a weightmap from attributes of the parent geometry

Combine WeightmapsCombine Weightmaps

Blends weight maps together

Fractal Noise WeightmapFractal Noise Weightmap

Generates a weightmap from a 3D fractal noise

Generate WeightmapGenerate Weightmap

Generates a weightmaps from input sources

Modify WeightmapModify Weightmap

Adjusts the values in an existing weightmap

Null To WeightmapNull To Weightmap

Converts a position to a weightmap

Occlusion WeightmapOcclusion Weightmap

Generates a weightmap from concave areas in the mesh

Smooth WeightmapSmooth Weightmap

Iteratively smoothes an existing weightmap


Deformer NullDeformer Null

Allows deformers to be collected under a null


Freeze the parent mesh at its current state

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