Notch Notch
Manual 1.0 Manual 0.9.23
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Software Based Licenses

Software Based Licenses

Applies only to: Notch 1.0 Trial, Indie & VFX

New to Notch 1.0 are software based licenses which do not require a dongle. Instead licenses are tied to your your user account and can be activated on PCs that you login to.

There are some big advantages to the new software based licenses:

  • You can use your Notch software licenses on up to two PCs simultaneously. Allowing you to render on one while creating on another.
  • You can still work offline with your software license for up to 7 days.
  • No ‘I forgot my dongle’ moments.
  • Easy online mangement of your licenses.

Key things to know #

  • Your software licenses can be used on two PCs simultaneously. These are known as your ‘Authorised’ PCs.
  • Notch will automatically ‘Authorise’ the first two PCs you login to.
  • After, you’ve reached the two PCs limit, you will need to ‘De-authorise’ one of your existing PCs before you can use your license on a new PC.
  • You DO NOT need access to a PC to de-authorise it.
  • You can perform up to 5x PCs authorisations in a 30 day period. If you de-authorise a PC and re-authorise it, that counts towards your authorisation total.
  • You can work offline with your software license for up to 7 days since your last internet connected session in Notch. (See details below)

Using your newly purchased Indie or VFX license #

Once you’ve purchased your Indie or VFX license:

  • Make sure you’ve downloaded and installed the latest v1.0 installer.
  • Open Notch Launcher and login with your Notch account (if not already logged in).
  • Wait 10 or seconds for licensing to refresh on your PC.
  • Head to the ‘Licenses’ tab in Notch Launcher to see your new license. If you have multiple licenses, you may need to click ‘Activate’ to set it as your active software license.
  • Launch or create a new project in Notch Builder.

Managing your Authorised PCs #

You can manage your authorised PCs at any time in your account under ‘My licenses’ -> ‘Authorized Computers’.

My Licenses view in Account

The screen contains the Windows PC name/host name and the serial number of the software license container installed on that PC.

You can de-authorise a PC by clicking the ‘De-authorize’ button. You do not need access to the PC to de-authorise it.

Working offline #

You can work offline with your software license for up to 7 days. After those 7 days, you will need to connect to the internet to re-validate your offline credentials.

Important: Starting Notch Launcher while connected to the internet, keeps your offline credentials fresh. It restarts the 7 day offline period.

To ensure a smooth offline experience, we recommend you do the following:

  1. Close Notch Launcher (if already open)
  2. While connected to the internet:
    1. Open Notch Launcher again (this will ensure your session credentials are fresh)
    2. If you have multiple software licenses, ensure you have the license you wish to use set to ‘Active’ under Notch Launcher -> Licensing.
  3. Disconnect from the internet and give it a quick test.

Multiple software licenses #

It is possible to have multiple active software licenses on a single account. i.e You might have an Indie and VFX license.

In these situations, you can switch which software license you wish to be active on your account in one two ways:

  • Online in your account under ‘My licenses’. Simply click the radio button next to the license you wish to be active.
  • In the Notch Launcher under ‘Licenses’ tab, click ‘Activate’ next to the license you wish to be active.

My Licenses view in Account

My Licenses view in Account

FAQs #

I am offline (not connected to internet) and Notch Launcher is telling me to login, despite only being offline for a few days. What do I do?
Try running the Notch Builder executable (related to your license) directly. i.e.:
C:\Program Files\Notch 1.0\NotchIndie.exe
C:\Program Files\Notch 1.0\NotchVFX.exe
What happens if I reinstall my operating system?
When you reinstall your operating system, your fresh OS will look like a new PC to the Notch licensing system. All you need to do is login into Notch and de-authorise your previous OS install. Your newly installed OS will then be automatically authorised.
Can Pro and Base licenses be delivered as software licenses?
No, our legacy Base & Pro licenses are dongle only.