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Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

Updated: 18 Dec 2024

Viewport #

Viewport Navigation #

Keys Orbit Camera Regular Camera
Alt + LMB Rotate around pivot point Rotate around camera axis.
Alt + MMB
Alt + Shift + LMB
Pan Pan
Alt + RMB
Alt + Scroll
Alt + Ctrl + LMB
Dolly in and out Dolly in and out
Shift + F Move focus & pivot point to selected object Frame camera on selected object
Ctrl + Alt + RMB Bank Camera
Alt + Shift + MMB Walking Pan on X + Z Walking Pan on X + Z
Alt + Shift + RMB Walking Pan in Y Walking Pan in Y

Other #

Keys Description
1 Switch to the Perspective Camera.
2 Switch to the Left Camera.
3 Switch to the Top Camera.
4 Switch to the Below Camera.
5 Switch to the Orbit Camera.
6 - 9 Switch to user-added cameras from the Nodegraph.
0 Current playing camera in the Nodegraph.
E Translation
R Rotation
T Non-uniform Scale
Y Placement
U Edit Mode
Alt + G “Toggle visibility of the Viewport grid.”
Ctrl + Plus Zoom into the viewport.
Ctrl + Minus Zoom out of the viewport.
Tab Change the gizmo mode, going forwards through translation, rotation, non-uniform scale and uniform scale.
Ctrl + Tab Toggle World or Local Gizmo movement.
Shift + Tab Change the gizmo mode, going backwards through translation, rotation, non-uniform scale and uniform scale.
Ctrl + L Toggle the range.

Nodegraph #

Keys Description
Alt + RMB
Alt + Scroll
Alt + Ctrl + LMB
Zoom in and out of the Nodegraph.
Alt + LMB
Alt + MMB
Alt + Shift + LMB
Pan around the Nodgraph.
Scroll Pan Y
Shift + Scroll Pan X
F Focus and frame selected nodes.
A Centre the Nodegraph on the currently selected node.
I Invert the node selection.
L Swap lasso type (freehand or rectangular).
P Toggle the pinning of a node.
K Add a comment node.
Ctrl + F Find a specific node in the scene.
Ctrl + E Focus on the node list search box, so you can start typing to find the new node you want.
Ctrl + Space Open Floating Search, to add a new node within the nodegraph.
Ctrl + Shift + E Focus on the node property search box, so you can filter properties by name to find the property you want.
LMB Drag Create a region to select multiple nodes in the Nodegraph.
Ctrl + R Connect the node to the nearest relevant root node.
Ctrl + A Select all nodes.
Ctrl + 1 Toggle Disable / Enable the selected nodes.
Ctrl + 5 Focuses on the selected object and switches to the Orbit camera.
Ctrl + H Disable all the selected nodes.
Ctrl + Shift + H Enable all the selected nodes.
F5 Access selected node settings.
Ctrl + K Insert a key for the selected attribute.
Ctrl + Shift + K Insert key all attributes that are already keyed attributes in the scene.
Shift + P Pin selected nodes.
Ctrl + Shift + P Unpin selected nodes.
Shift + K Add a region node or region the selected nodes.

Timeline #

Keys Description
Alt + RMB
Alt + Scroll
Alt + Ctrl + LMB
Zoom in and out of the Timeline.
Alt + LMB
Alt + MMB
Alt + Shift + LMB
Pan around the Timeline.
Scroll Pan Y
Shift + Scroll Pan X
F Focus and frame selected time bar.
Ctrl + Left arrow Jump backward in time to a previous key.
Ctrl + Right arrow Jump forward in time to the next key.
Alt + Left arrow Move a key back in time.
Alt + Right arrow Move a key forward in time.
Ctrl + M Add timeline marker.
Ctrl + Alt + Left arrow Move to previous timeline marker.
Ctrl + Alt + Right arrow Move to next timeline marker.
Ctrl + Home Go to start of the selected node.
Ctrl + End Jump to the end of the selected node.
Shift + Home Go to start of the specified range.
Shift + End Jump to the end of the specified range.
[ / ] Trim a nodes start / end to time
Shift + [ / Shift + ] Move the start / end time back by one frame.
Ctrl + [ / Ctrl + ] Move the start / end time forward by one frame.
Alt + [ Set the start time of a node.
B Set the range start time.
N Set the range end time.
F5 Access selected node/layer settings.
/ Split the node’s time bar at the current time.
C Cut the selected time segments. A vertical dashed line is used to show the cut position.

Curve Editor #

Keys Description
Alt + RMB
Alt + Ctrl + LMB
Non-uniformally zoom in and out of the Curve Editor. Mouse movement on the X axis will zoom in time, while mouse movement on the y axis will zoom in value.
Alt + Scroll Uniformally zoom in and out of the Curve Editor.
Alt + LMB
Alt + MMB
Alt + Shift + LMB
Pan around the curve editor.
Scroll Pan Y
Shift + Scroll Pan X
F Focus and fit selected keys to view.
F F Focus and fill selected keys to view.
Ctrl + K
Insert a key for the selected attribute at the current time. Only functions if the attribute has already been keyed.
Shift + Enter
Ctrl + Shift + K
Insert a key for all keyed attributes in the scene at the current time. Only functions for attributes that have already been keyed.
Ctrl + Enter Insert keys for the transformation attributes at the current time. Only functions if the attribute has already been keyed.

General #

Keys Description
Ctrl + N Start a new Project.
Ctrl + O Open a new Project.
Ctrl + S Save the current Project.
Ctrl + Shift + S Save the current project as a new file.
Ctrl + Alt + S Save the current project with a version specific tag in the filename.
Ctrl + Shift + N Create a new Layer.
Ctrl + Shift + M Open export video dialog.
F8 Capture a screenshot. Screenshots are saved into the Documents\Notch\Notch Screenshots folder unless another folder is selected in the Preferences
Shift + F8 Open Render still dialog.
F1 Jump to the Nodegraph.
F1 F1 Jump to the Nodegraph and centre on the selected node.
F2 Jump to the Timeline.
F2 F2 Jump to the Timeline and focus on the selected node.
F3 Jump to the Curve Editor.
F3 F3 Jump to the Curve Editor and focus on the selected node.
F4 Jump to the Profiler.
F9 Toggle Render Window to go Fullscreen.
F10 Toggle Render Window to go Fullscreen on a second window.
F11 Toggle Nodegraph Fullscreen.
F12 Open the Units, Guides and Grids window.
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + Shift + C Copy a node and all its child nodes.
Ctrl + Alt + C Copy all the attributes from the selected node.
Ctrl + Alt + M Copy the Material Attributes from the selected node.
Ctrl + Alt + T Copy the Keys from an attribute.
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + Shift + X Cut a node and all its child nodes.
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + D Duplicate
Ctrl + Z Undo the most recently taken action.
Ctrl + Y Redo a previously undone action.
Ctrl + U Copy to Clipboard.
Ctrl + I Paste from Clipboard.
Shift + R Switch to simplified render view. Useful for editing the scene with a simplified render view.
Alt + R Reset an attribute to the nodes default value.
Alt + K Toggle capture of Kinect data.
Ctrl + F1 Toggle RGBA Preview In Viewport.
Ctrl + F2 Toggle RGB Preview In Viewport.
Ctrl + F3 Toggle Alpha Preview In Viewport.
Esc Clear Preview In Viewport.

Playback #

Keys Description
Space Toggle playback of the scene.
Left/Right Arrow Move one frame back/forward in the timeline.
Ctrl + Left/Arrow Arrow Jump back/forward to the next Key Frame of a selected attribute.
Shift + Left/Right Arrow Jump back/forward by 1 second.
Home Jump to the beginning of the layer.
Shift + Home Jump to the beginning of the project, regardless of the layer start time. If a range is active, jump to the range start time.
End Jump to the end of the layer.
Shift + End Jump to the end of the project, regardless of the layer end time. If a range is active, jump to the range end time.
Ctrl + End Jumps the playhead to the end of the timeline.
Ctrl + T Toggle time stretching in the scene.

Text Fields #

Keys Description
Shift + Enter Add a new line.