2D nodes generate and affect objects in 2D space.

3D nodes generate and affect objects in 3D space.

Cameras define the point of view a scene is rendered from.

Cloners generate instances of objects in a scene.

Colour Nodes generate colours and gradients.

Deformers create, destroy, edit, and animate existing geometry.

Fields generate simulations of volumetric and fluid-like effects.

Generators create mathematical 2D patterns.

Interactive nodes allow external inputs to be used in scenes.

Layer nodes allow effects and compositions to be used within an existing composition.

Lighting nodes control how a scene is lit.

The Logic nodes are used to create a meta logic system within Notch.

Material nodes control how light interacts with the surfaces of objects.

Mocap nodes animate rigged skeletons with motion capture data.

Modifier nodes modify the properties in other nodes.

These nodes generally used to help with workflows and UX.

Particle nodes perform simulations of particle-like effects.

Physics nodes allow you to add Rigid Body Dynamics to objects.

Post FX nodes perform image processing on the node they are parented to.

Procedural nodes generate geometric and volumetric forms using signed distance fields.

Rendering nodes process the lighting and shading effects from a scene, and show the result.

Scripting nodes allow for project behaviour to be scripted using JavaScript.

Shading nodes generate material shaders for creating materials.

These nodes control sound input and output in Notch.

Text-FX nodes handle generating, modifying, and combining text strings.

Video nodes modify, process, and combine videos.