Smart Tracer
Updated: 25 Nov 2024
The hybrid real-time and offline renderer.Updated: 25 Nov 2024
The hybrid real-time and offline renderer.This node is our hybrid real-time renderer, utilising hybrid raytracing and deferred rendering to render a high quality image in real time.
Suitable for rendering 3D content offline with any hardware, and real-time with powerful enough hardware.
These properties control the general rendering features applied to the scene.
Parameter | Details |
Max Refine Steps | The max number of refine steps per frame. Greater steps improve overall quality in the scene, but not suitable for realtime content. |
DOF + Motion Blur | Control the Depth Of Field and Motion Blur rendered from the camera. The properties for the can be controlled from the Camera node.
Antialiasing | These options allow for different methods of reducing aliasing. For more, see our page on Anti-Aliasing. Only compatible with PostFX mode.
DLSS Resolution | Change the resolution the scene is rendered at before being passed to DLSS for anti-aliasing. Only functions with DLSS selected for the antialiasing method.
Depth Of Field | Control the depth of field rendered from the camera. Useful for drawing focus onto a specific area of the scene. The Blur Amount and Focus Distance can be controlled from the Camera node.
Motion Blur | Control the motion blur rendered from the camera. Useful for adding smoother and more realistic motion to a scene. The Blur Amount can be controlled from the Camera node.
Max Output Luminance | Sets a maximum output value when sampling light in the scene. Useful for reducing ‘firefly’ noise in the scene, as further light samples are likely to average out faster, but can reduce the overall lighting accuracy in the scene. |
These properties control how lighting is calculated and affects the scene.
Parameter | Details |
Pre-Refine First Frame | When the scene is reset, the lighting is allowed to refine a few times before completing the first frame, to generate an accurate result on the first frame. When rendering a video, the scene will be pre-refined automatically on export, regardless of this properties settings. Useful when working on video content and the first frame needs to be match the export but can impact performance when frequently resetting the scene. |
Diffuse Depth | How many bounces of diffuse lighting are used. More bounces can increase the brightness in dark areas of the scene, but will have deminishing retuns at greater values. |
Diffuse Bounce Multiplier | Boost the brightness of diffuse bounces in the scene. Useful for artificially brightening unlit areas of a scene without adding extra diffuse bounces, but not accurate and if pushed too far can introduce artefacting and blow up the lighting model as surfaces reflect more light than they absorb. |
Glossy Depth | How many bounces of Specular lighting are used. More bounces may be necessary in scenes with lots of clean glass or mirrors, but in scenes with lots of rough surfaces lower values can be used to improve performance. |
Refraction Depth | How many refractive are used. Similar to glossy depth, more bounces may be necessary in scenes with lots of glass, but in scenes with no glass or lots of rough glass lower values can be used to improve performance. |
Refractions | Control how refractions are rendered in the scene.
Refraction Max Distance | Sets a maximum amount a material can be refracted. Useful for limiting some of the artefacts from the simpler refraction modes. |
Ambient Occlusion | Simulates natural shadowing that occurs in corners and crevices of a scene, by darkening those areas. Useful for exaggerating detail in a scene.
AO Blend Mode | Simulates natural shadowing that occurs in corners and crevices of a scene, by darkening those areas. Useful for exaggerating detail in a scene.
AO Blend Amount | How much the chosen blend mode is applied into the scene. Doesn’t apply to replace blend mode. |
AO Distance | Controls how wide the Ambient Occlusion radius is. Lower values tighten the ambient occlusion to smaller areas, larger value can end up darkening the whole object, and in some modes add visible noise. |
AO Falloff Curve | Controls how the weighting of ambient occlusion falls off over distance. Higher values will darken areas of ambient occlusion further, while lower values will lessen the ambient occlusion except in narrow crevices. |
Lighting Far Plane | Controls the distance away from the camera at which lighting will no longer be calculated. Lower values can increase performance in some scenes, but you’ll need to build the scene such that objects outside this range do not need lighting. |
These properties control how light scattering is processed in the scene.
Parameter | Details |
Scattering | Enable raytraced scattering on lights in the scene. Only functions if lights have some scattering amount in use. |
Scattering Intensity | Multiplier on top of the global scattering density. Useful for adjusting the density globally without going to all the individual lights. |
Smoke Density | Applies a simple noise pattern over the scattering generated, giving an appearance of smokiness. Useful for generating a mysterious and foggy effect. |
Smoke Scale | Changes the scale of the smokiness parameters. |
Smoke Speed | How quickly the generated smoke is animated in the scene. |
Name | Description | Typical Input |
Max Output Luminance | TBC | TBC |
Diffuse Bounce Multiplier | TBC | TBC |
Probe Separation Distance | TBC | TBC |
Motion Responsiveness | TBC | TBC |
Refraction Max Distance | TBC | TBC |
AO Distance | TBC | TBC |
AO Blend Amount | TBC | TBC |
AO Falloff Curve | TBC | TBC |