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2D Root

2D Root

Updated: 22 Nov 2024

Root node for 2D graphics



Example .dfx

Method #

This node enables you to create 2D graphics within the viewport, through a self-contained rendering root with its own resolution settings as well as antialiasing and blending modes.

The 2D Root uses a layer based sorting system, where the objects are processed and rendered based on the nodegraph heirarchy, so objects can be sorted by simply re-ordering them in the nodegraph.

Graphics created within a 2D Root system can be used as standalone artwork or as a source image (including alpha) in other systems that use images, such as Materials, Video nodes, and so on. Perfect for creating 2D graphical content that can be rendered, used in video, Graphical HUDs or mapped directly onto the 3D content within the scene.

The 2D Root isn’t just limited to 2D nodes, all 3d nodes are fully compatible withing the 2D Root system, including Geometry and Particles, as well as utilising Text, Video and Fields.

Post FX can be applied directly to the root effecting all nodes attached to the 2D Root.

This node can be connected to any node which accepts an image input, and does not have to be connected to the Root


These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

ResolutionSet the resolution of the 2D Root to the project settings or set them uniquely.
  • Project : Use the project resolution set in the Project Settings.
  • Set : Sets a custom resolution.
WidthWhen Resolution is set to Set, sets resolution of the generated image horizontally.
HeightWhen Resolution is set to Set, sets the resolution of the generated image vertically.
Coordinate SpaceControl the coordinate spaces used to interpret positions within the generated image.
  • Normalised : Normalized coordinates represent positions within a normalised range 0-1. Regardless of the image’s actual dimensions, normalized coordinates remain within this fixed range. Useful for making content which can easily adapt to varying resolutions.
  • Pixels : Pixel coordinates represent the positions as their physical pixel locations within the 2D image. Useful for working at pixel scale, to perfectly match the content the output pixels.
OriginThese properties determine the location of the origin for 2D root within the image.
  • Corner : This sets the centre of the 2D Root in the bottom left corner of the image.
  • Centre : This sets the centre of the 2D Root in the centre of the image.
Background ColourSet the background colour of the 2D root.
AntialiasingThese options allow for different methods of reducing aliasing. For more, see our page on Anti-Aliasing.
  • FSAA : Samples every pixel multiple times per rendered frame, greatly improving AA and also smoothing out some temporal artefacts. Not suitable for live output, but perfect for video and stills.
  • MSAA 16x : Samples geometry edges sixteen times to reduce aliasing on geometry in the scene. High quality, but slow.
  • MSAA 8x : Samples geometry edges eight times to reduce aliasing on geometry in the scene. Great quality, but can be slow with lots of geometry.
  • MSAA 4x : Samples geometry edges four times to reduce aliasing on geometry in the scene. Good quality, but doesnt always provide enough samples for a clean result.
  • Off : Turns off Antialiasing.
FSAA SamplesThe samples taken per frame to produce an anti-aliased image. Greater steps can improve overall quality, but not suitable for realtime content.
VisibleSets the visibility of the 2D root in the viewport. When set to hidden the 2D root content will still be visible in other nodes, just hidden in the viewport.
  • Visible : The 2D Root output will be visible in the viewport
  • Hidden : The 2D Root output will be hidden in the viewport, if the output is connected to any other 2D nodes, the content will still be visible
Blend AmountThe amount the generated image blends with the project, depending on the blend mode chosen.
Blend Mode (RGB)Choose how the generated image blends with the scene. See Blend Modes for details.
  • Solid : The image is solid, with a filled alpha channel. Blend amount is ignored.
  • Blend : The colour channels linearly blend into the existing scene.
  • Additive : The colour channels are added to the scene, brightening the overall result where the image is brightest.
  • Subtractive : The colour channels are subtracted from the scene, darkening the overall result where the image is brightest.
  • Multiply : The colour channels are multiplied with the scene, darkening and tinting the overall result where the either the image or the scene isn’t white.
  • Max : The colour channels are compared with the sceme, and the max value of the two colours is chosen, mixing the images brightest elements together.
  • Min : The colour channels are compared with the sceme, and the min value of the two colours is chosen, mixing the images darkest elements together.
  • Screen : The colour channels are scene are inverted, multiplied, and then inverted again, resulting in a brighter overall image which maintains the darker details of scene.
  • Light : The colour channels are multiplied with the scene, and then added again, resulting in a brighter image with less contrast.
  • Pre-Mul Blend : The colour channels are multiplied by the alpha channel before any blending is applied, resulting in a better blending result.
Blend Mode (Alpha)Sets the blend mode for any alpha channels set in the 2D root, main project root and between any layers within the project.
  • Solid : The alpha is solid.
  • Blend : The alpha channels linearly blend into the existing scene.
  • Additive : The alpha channels are added to the scene alpha, brightening the overall image and resulting in a more opaque alpha channel.
  • Subtractive : The alpha channels are subtracted from the scene alpha, darkening the overall image and resulting in a more transparent alpha channel.
  • Multiply : The alpha channels are multiplied with the scene alpha, darkening the overall image where the either the image or the scene alpha is dark, resulting in a more transparent alpha channel.
  • Max : The alpha channels are compared with the sceme alpha, and the max value of the two alphas is chosen, mixing the image alphas brightest elements together and resulting in a more opaque alpha channel.
  • Min : The alpha channels are compared with the sceme alpha, and the min value of the two alphas is chosen, mixing the image alphas darkest elements together and resulting in a more transparent alpha channel.
  • Screen : The alpha channels are scene are inverted, multiplied, and then inverted again, resulting in a brighter and more opaque alpha channel which maintains the darker details of scene.
  • Light : The colour channels are multiplied with the scene, and then added again, resulting in a brighter and more opaque alpha channel with less contrast.
  • Pre-Mul Blend : TBC
Preview In ViewportPreview the generated image as an overlay in the viewport.
  • Off : No preview is generated.
  • RGBA : Preview the image blended with alpha in the viewport.
  • RGB : Preview the colour channels in the viewport.
  • Alpha : Preview the alpha channel in the viewport.
  • PIP : Preview the image blended with alpha in the viewport, in a smaller picture in picture display, on top of the existing content.
