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Manual 1.0 Manual 0.9.23
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Deprecated Nodes

Deprecated Nodes

Updated: 16 Jan 2025

With the major improvements coming for 1.0, many nodes are no longer needed and have been deprecated. Below is a list of these nodes, and the functionality or workflow that has superseded them.

For beta, not all of these nodes will have been deprecated yet, as we are still finalising the replacement features.

Cloning #

Node Comment
Clone to Point Cache Point cache has been removed, and this functionality can be better used with other clone generators.

Fields #

Node Comment
Fbm Deformer Removed due to incompatibility with the new field system.
Field Level Set Root Improved and built into the new Field 3D Root.
Field Lighting Lighting is now handled directly by the new rendering systems.
Field Renderer Replaced by the new Field 2D Renderer and Field 3D Renderer nodes in the new Fields System.
Field Root 2D and 3D Field systems should be rebuilt using the new Field 2D Root or Field 3D Root nodes, respectively.
Field Shadows Lighting is now handled directly by the new rendering systems.
Fluid Affector Removed and built into the new field root.
Sine Deformer Removed due to incompatibility with the new field system.

Geometry #

Node Comment
Convex Hull Didn’t offer much functionality, other remeshing nodes now exist, and doesn’t work with the updated geometry nodes.
Imported 3D Scene Replaced by the new 3D Scene node.
Line Renderer This functionality has since been added to the individual geometry nodes, and is therefore obsolete. Use the lines tab on a geometry node instead.

Deformers #

Node Comment
Generate Fertilizer Times Deformer Has been replaced by the new Fertilize node.

Lighting #

Node Comment
Area Lights From Polygons Emissive surfaces are now fully handled by the rendering nodes, so use an Emissive Material instead.
Environment Map The Environment Image and Sky Light nodes fully handle lighting a scene in all renderers, environment maps are no longer necessary.
Planar Environment Map Reflections are now fully handles by each renderer, so you can choose the reflection quality there.
Planar Reflections Reflections are now fully handles by each renderer, so you can choose the reflection quality there.
Point Cache The new probe and raytracing based render nodes no longer use point caches to generate lighting.
Point Lights From Vertices Lights can now be cloned! Convert the points source to clones (Particle Cloner, Array Cloner) and copy lights everywhere!
Probe Grid The new probe and raytracing based render nodes no longer need the probe grid to generate lighting.
Probe Lighting The new probe and raytracing based render nodes have substantially faster probes built-in, so this node is no longer needed.
Project Image This effect can now be done better either with lights or with shading nodes. This effect can also be achieved using the Decal node.
Screen Space Ambient Occlusion Ambient occlusion is now built into each renderer, so you can choose which type of AO to use there.
Screen Space Reflections Reflections are now fully handles by each renderer, so you can choose the reflection quality there.
Shadow Volume Not compatible with the new rendering nodes.
Volumetric Lighting Volumetrics is now built into each renderer, so you can choose the volumetric amount directly in the renderer node.
Voxel Cone Lighting The various capabilities of the voxel cone have been replaced by the new renderers, all of which offer higher quality and better performance. For Voxel cones set up with Ambient Occlusion, add an ambient light and set the ambient occlusion in the renderer to multiply.

Materials #

Node Comment
Multi Material Replaced and improved by the Blended Material, node.
Semi-Transparent RT Material Transparency is now correctly handled by the Path Tracer, so this node is no longer needed.

Nodes #

Node Comment
Photon Visualiser No longer functions with new Raytracing systems, deprecated until it can be redesigned.
Triangle Octree Node No longer functions with new Raytracing systems, deprecated until it can be redesigned.

Particles #

Node Comment
Mesh Attractor Use the new Mesh Attractor instead.
Mesh Renderer Use Particle Cloner instead.
Point Cache Emitter Point cache has been removed, and this functionality can be better used with other emitters.

Post-FX #

Node Comment
Depth of Field Depth of field is now handled within the renderer and camera nodes.
Object Motion Blur Motion blur is now handled within the render nodes.
Temporal Temporal Antialiasing Anti Aliasing support is now built into renderering nodes.

Procedurals #

Node Comment
Heightmap Generator Node was non functional and has now been deprecated. There are better ways of generating a displacement map.
Meshing Texture Map Triplanar mapping is now an option on texture shading nodes, making this option obsolete.
Procedural Shading A new procedural node for shading systems offers a far more efficient and controllable shading system.
Volume Generator The Procedural Raytracer offers far better volume generation.
Volumetric Tracer The Procedural Raytracer with the render mode set to volumetric mode offers far better volume rendering.

Ray Tracing #

Node Comment
Pathtracer Path tracing functionality has been rebuilt and moved into a new node called Path Tracer.
RT Ambient Occlusion Ambient occlusion options are now built into each of the render nodes.
RT Diffuse Bounces All renderer nodes now have built-in options to handle diffuse bounces.
RT Glass Refraction All renderer nodes now have built-in options to handle refraction.
RT Mirror Reflection All renderer nodes now have built-in options to handle reflections, many of which use mirror reflections.
RT Multi-Bounce Reflection All renderer nodes now have built-in options to handle reflections.
RT Real Time Denoiser Denoising is now built into the render nodes which can need denoising.
RT Refinement Functionality is now built into the rendering nodes.

Video nodes #

Node Comment
AI Upscale Deprecated due to incompatibility with newer NVIDIA GPU drivers.
Find Features Nodes were part of a larger system that has since been deprecated, but were missed.
Track Features Nodes were part of a larger system that has since been deprecated, but were missed.
Track Points Nodes were part of a larger system that has since been deprecated, but were missed.

Misc #

Node Comment
Group nodes These nodes have been replaced by Embedded Nodes and Assets.