Updated: 11 Sep 2024
Updated: 11 Sep 2024
Just like in real-world productions, previsualisation can help you sell your concept, test your creative ideas and find issues or constraints in advance. Notch is a great tool for previsualisation and there are several key techniques that can help you on your way.
When designing for either green screen or LED stage, it is a good idea to build a to-scale model of key items into your Notch project:
Parent these items to a Null or a Render Layer so that you can disable them when not previsualising.
After this, you can add your cameras (with appropriate FOVs).
Doing this will:
It’s essential to build your scene to the correct scale as virtual production depends on the 3D world matching the scale of the real world.
In the vast majority of cases: 1 Notch unit = 1 meter.
Grey boxing is a technique where you create your scene using basic boxed geometry at the correct size/scale and basic materials.
There are numerous advantages to grey boxing at the start of your scene creation process:
When scale goes wrong, it really goes wrong…
The grey box stage is a good time to start looking at the performance of your project and which rendering or optimisation techniques you will utilise to control the project performance.