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Substance Painter Exports

Substance Painter Exports

Updated: 22 Mar 2024

Unlike a material made with Substance Designer, it is not possible to use the Substance Painter file directly. You must export the textures from Substance Painter to use them in Notch.
Your Painter project must also be created with the right presets.

Meshs textured with painter and rendered in Notch

Material setup with Substance Painter #

You need to choose the template “PBR - Metallic Roughness (Allegorithmic)”


Exporting Textures #

In the Export panel option you need to choose the configuration “PBR Metal Rough”, It is preferable to choose the TGA image format.


By default, the textures of Metallic and Roughness are in grey level.
Notch uses RGB textures, you can change the export to RGB in the configuration menu.


Material setup in Notch #

In the Uber Material node you have to must place the textures in the right place.


Change metallic and roughness to 1.


The PBR materials need reflection to be complete. The easiest way is to use an Environment Map. Other reflection modes also work.


You can also link texture to the Uber Material node using the Video Loader node, and apply post fx to your textures.

<img src=""width="494" height="394"

        <h4>Post FX on Texture</h4>