Fake Glass Material
Updated: 4 Jan 2023
Updated: 4 Jan 2023
Transparent materials such as glass or liquid are quite tricky to reproduce correctly in a real time engine. It is often necessary to cheat to get as close as possible to a pure and slow ray traced rendering. Example project.
The choice of the environment map is quite important. The map will not reflect the real environment of the scene, you should not hesitate to test a lot of them.
Transparent objects will not cast shadows, no matter how blending is done, so you will have to cheat a little.
To avoid this constraint, simply duplicate the transparent object and apply an opaque material on it. And in the options of this material activate “Render Shadows Only”.
The shadow will be cast by this object which is no longer visible.
In reality, a transparent object will not project shadows like an opaque object, but with real-time rendering, it is necessary to make some concessions.