Other Windows
Updated: 3 May 2024
Updated: 3 May 2024
This menu controls some of the window options for various windows in Notch.
Label | Description |
Editor Settings | Settings for the Notch Editor. |
Project Settings | Settings for the current Notch project. |
Units, Guides, Rulers | Change the Grid and Guide units. |
Show Waveform On Ruler | Toggle whether the waveform of audio in the scene is shown on the timeline. |
Resource Browser | Toggle the Resource Browser frame from being viewed. |
Undo History | Toggle the Undo History frame from being viewed. |
Materials Library | Toggle the Material Library frame from being viewed. Currently under construction. |
This bar shows how Notch is currently performing and can help identify where performance problems maybe arising. For more on managing performance, take a look at the Managing Performance On Media Servers page, or the Profiler tab in the Nodegraph.
Label | Description |
Clipboard | Shows the node that is currently in the copy/paste clipboard. |
Selected Camera | Shows the currently viewing camera in the scene. |
Selected Node | Shows the currently selected node in the scene. |
Transform Space | Shows which transform space is being used for transformations; World, Parent or Local. |
Current FPS | The current frame rate of the scene when being played. |
GPU Time | How long it takes for the GPU to render the scene. |
CPU Time | How long it takes for the CPU to render the scene. |
RAM Used | How much RAM is being used by Notch. |
VRAM Used | How much VRAM is being used by Notch. |
Render Resolution | The resolution at which Notch is being rendered at. |
Scratch Process | Under heavy load, shows how far ahead notch has cached future frames while Idle. |
Shows previous actions that have been taken in the project, and can be undone back to.
See: ArtNet section
Shows details about incoming connections from outside sources. Including: