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NotchLC for AVI & Legacy QuickTime

NotchLC for AVI & Legacy QuickTime

Updated: 4 Dec 2023

Introduction #

This plugin provides support for:

  • Windows AVI containers
  • Legacy QuickTime 7 for Windows.

The NotchLC Plugin for AVI & Legacy QuickTime is provided free of charge and does NOT require a Notch Builder or Playback license.

Download & Installation #

You can download the plugin from the Notch website

The Legacy QuickTime must be installed before installing the plugin.

Plugin Features #

A comparison of the import / export features are listed below.

Import #

Feature AVI Legacy QuickTime
Alpha Channel Yes Yes
Audio Yes Yes
High Bit Depth Yes Yes
Speed OK OK

Export #

Feature AVI Legacy QuickTime
Alpha Channel Yes Yes
Audio Yes Yes
High Bit Depth Yes Yes
Speed OK OK

Requirements #

OS Windows 8.1/10
GPU DirectX 11 Compatible

Legacy QuickTime usage #

Legacy QuickTime is a 32bit application, therefore it is limited in the resolutions that it is capable of decoding/encoding.
Legacy QuickTime does a small gamma shift when encoding, this has nothing to do with the NotchLC plugin.
Legacy QuickTime only supports synchronous single-threaded encoding, which isn’t particularly fast.

Encoding and decoding is GPU accelerated where a DirectX11 compatible GPU is present. If no GPU is present, the plugin will fall back to a slower CPU decoding / encoding method.

AVI usage #

The AVI plugin uses DirectShow Filter to provide NotchLC support. Programs that utilise WIndows AVI framework will be able to utilise the NotchLC codec.