Notch Notch
Manual 1.0 Manual 0.9.23
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Updated: 4 Dec 2023

Source for a video or image from a file or from a media server (when running as a block).

Method #

This node is the source for an imported video or image source from the resources window. When the Video attribute is exposed, it enables media servers to pass videos or images to the Notch block.


These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

Preview In ViewportPreview the generated image as an overlay in the viewport.
  • Off : No preview is generated.
  • RGBA : Preview the image blended with alpha in the viewport.
  • RGB : Preview the colour channels in the viewport.
  • Alpha : Preview the alpha channel in the viewport.
  • PIP : Preview the image blended with alpha in the viewport, in a smaller picture in picture display, on top of the existing content.
Apply PostFX Before Alpha Image Input (Legacy)When enabled, the alpha input image is applied after the postfx pass, overwriting any effects the postfx would have applied to the alpha channel.
VideoSelect a video from the resources window to be used as the source.
FramerateControl the frame rate of the video.
Frame OffsetOffset the frame of the video.
Update Time ModeHow the video is played in relation to the time code.
  • Locked To Timecode : The video is locked to the time code and the same time will always yield the same video frame.
  • Running / Looping : The video is disconnected from the time code and will loop seamlessly at the end of the layer.
LoopingEnable the video to loop back to the beginning once it reaches the loop end frame. if disabled, nothing will be output.
Loop Start FrameWith looping enabled, sets the beginning frame to start the loop from.
Loop End FrameWith looping enabled, sets the final frame to end the loop on.
Static Image (Process Only Once)Only process the image once, making a more efficient scene. Animated Post-FX nodes will not function with this enabled.
Format ConversionConvert the image to a different format. useful for reducing or inducing banding issues.
  • RGBA 8/16/32 : Uses all 4 channels.
  • RGBA 8/16/32 Greyscale : Converts the scene from multiple or single channel into a greyscale image. Useful for applying post-fx to single-channel textures.
Colour Space ConversionConvert the video from its imported colour space to a new colour space. For more, see our page on Colour Management.
  • None : The video will retain its existing colour space.
  • Working Colour Space : The video will be converted to the current working colour space, set in the Project Settings.
  • sRGB Gamma 2.2 : The video will be converted to the sRGB Gamma 2.2 colour space.
  • sRGB Linear : The video will be converted to the sRGB Linear colour space.
  • ACEScg : The video will be converted to the ACEScg colour space.
Allow Frame DropsRuns the video at the project fps, allowing frame drops, instead of updating at its internal FPS.
Flip Image XFlip the image along the x-axis.
Flip Image YFlip the image along the y-axis.
RetriggerOnly functions with running/loopable selected in the update time mode attribute.
Load External FileEnables support for loading a video or image source from an external file, rather than a resource.
FilenameThe file path to the external video or image source.


NameDescriptionTypical Input
Filename SourceUse a string input to find the image file.Text String
Effect MaskMask out areas that Post-FX applied to this node won’t be applied.Loader
Alpha ImageUse a separate video nodes luminance values to overwrite the alpha channel of the image.Loader