Updated: 4 Dec 2023
Downsample the resolution of the input image.Updated: 4 Dec 2023
Downsample the resolution of the input image.This node downsamples the resolution of the input image.
These properties control the core behaviours of the node.
Parameter | Details |
Preview In Viewport | Preview the generated image as an overlay in the viewport.
Apply PostFX Before Alpha Image Input (Legacy) | When enabled, the alpha input image is applied after the postfx pass, overwriting any effects the postfx would have applied to the alpha channel. |
Iterations | How many levels of down sampling are generated. |
Mode | Choose how the downsample output is filtered.
Name | Description | Typical Input |
Effect Mask | Mask out areas that Post-FX applied to this node won’t be applied. | Loader |
Alpha Image | Use a separate video nodes luminance values to overwrite the alpha channel of the image. | Loader |
Active | Enables or disables the effect. Disabling the effect means it will no longer compute, so disabling a node when not in use can improve performance. | Envelope Modifier |