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Composite Sources

Composite Sources

Updated: 4 Dec 2023

Composite two image sources to one image.

Method #

This node composites two image sources to one image.


These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

Preview In ViewportPreview the generated image as an overlay in the viewport.
  • Off : No preview is generated.
  • RGBA : Preview the image blended with alpha in the viewport.
  • RGB : Preview the colour channels in the viewport.
  • Alpha : Preview the alpha channel in the viewport.
  • PIP : Preview the image blended with alpha in the viewport, in a smaller picture in picture display, on top of the existing content.
Apply PostFX Before Alpha Image Input (Legacy)When enabled, the alpha input image is applied after the postfx pass, overwriting any effects the postfx would have applied to the alpha channel.
Blend AmountChanges the opacity of the new effect over the original image.
Use Alpha ChannelToggle if the alpha channel is used in the composite.
Copy To Alpha ChannelToggle if alpha values are copied to the output.
Blend ModeChoose how the images are composited together. More information on blend modes can be found on the blend modes page,
  • Composite : The input image is placed over the parent image.
  • Linear : The input image is blended linearly with the parent image.
  • Add : The input image is added to the parent image, brightening the overall result where the input image is brightest.
  • Subtract : The input image is subtracted from the parent image, darkening the overall result where the input image is brightest.
  • Multiply : The input image is multiplied by the parent image, darkening and tinting the overall result where the either the input or the parent isn’t white.
  • Max : The input and parent images are compared, and the max value per pixel are chosen, mixing the images brightest elements together.
  • Min : The input and parent images are compared, and the min value per pixel are chosen, mixing the images darkest elements together.
  • Screen : The input and parent images are scene are inverted, multiplied, and then inverted again, resulting in a brighter overall image which maintains the darker details of parent.
  • Light : The input image is multiplied with the parent, and then added again, resulting in a brighter image with less contrast.
  • Difference : Calculates the absolute difference between the input and parent images per colour channel. The result is often an inversion of the existing colours where the images differ most.
  • Exclusion : The input image is multiplied with the parent, then by 2, and the result is subtracted from the parent subtracted from the source. The result is similar to difference, but with lower contrast.
  • Dodge : The input image is inverted and then used to divide the parent image, resulting in a brighter and more saturated image.
  • Burn : The parent image is inverted and divides by the input image, and the result in inverted. This results in a darker, more contrasty, and more saturated image.
  • Negate : Calculates the absolute difference between the input and parent images per colour channel, and inverts the result. The result is the inverse of the difference blend mode, but with better retention of the parent images colours.
  • Overlay : Uses the Multiply blend mode for values below 50% grey, and Screen blend mode for values above 50% grey, resulting in an increased contrast as both the darker and brighter areas are exaggerated.
FormatControl the bit depth of the output composited image.
Input 0 TintTint the colour of the parent image.
Input 1 TintTint the colour of the input image.


NameDescriptionTypical Input
Composite SourceSource image to be composited with.Loader
Effect MaskMask out areas that Post-FX applied to this node won’t be applied.Loader
Alpha ImageUse a separate video nodes luminance values to overwrite the alpha channel of the image.Loader
Image Width/HeightChange the resolution width and height of the image.Envelope Modifier