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CSV To Text

CSV To Text

Updated: 22 Mar 2024

Use entries from a table in a Text String.

Method #

This node reads a text string value from a table. Typically this is used to read values from a table and pass them into a Text node for rendering or to be processed by other text string nodes.

You can add tables in the Resource Panel via Interactive > CSV/Text File


These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

CSV FileThe table resource.
  • Column : A row of separated values.
  • Column + Row : The more traditional table layout
RowIn a 2d table, this is the column to be picked from. in a 1d list this is the index to pick.
ColumnIn a 2d table, this is the row to be picked from.


NameDescriptionTypical Input
Read IndexIn a 2D table, this is the column to be picked from. In a 1D list this is the index to pick.A numeric input, e.g. Envelope Modifier
Row IndexIn a 2D table, this is the row to be picked from.A numeric input, e.g. Envelope Modifier