Updated: 15 Jan 2025
Updated: 15 Jan 2025
Bricks / Tiles | This shading node generates a brick / tile pattern. |
Cells | This shading node generates a cell pattern in 2D or 3D. |
Channel Boolean | TBC |
Colour Correction | This shading node applies colour correction to its parent shading node. |
Combine | This shading node combines the results of two other shading nodes, with the option to use a third shading node to modulate the blend. |
Distance | This shading node generates a pattern using the distance from the given pixel to the node's position. |
Environment Image Sampler | TBC |
Facing | This shading node generates a pattern using the angle between the given pixel normal and a direction either generated from the node's rotation, or the vector between the pixel's position and the node's position. |
Fractal Noise | Apply fractal noise shading to a material. |
Generate Normals | This shading node generates normals using the height values from the input shading node. |
Generate UVs | TBC |
Gradient | Apply gradient shading to a material. |
Gradient Recolour | This shading node applies a colour gradient to its parent shading node. |
Grid | Apply a grid pattern shading to a material. |
Input Channel Sampler | This shading node outputs one of the input values from given pixel. |
Noise | Apply simple noise shading to a material. |
Procedural | Uses a procedural system to shade a material. |
Randomise RGB | Transforms input greyscale values into random RGB colours. |
Shading Null | TBC |
Texture Sampler | Use a texture to apply shading to a material. |
Tint | This shading node applies a colour tint to its parent shading node. |
Uniform Colour | This shading node generates a uniform colour. |
Warp | This shading node distorts an existing shading node |