Notch Notch
Manual 1.0 Manual 0.9.23
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Updated: 31 Jan 2025

Generates a 3D Fractal structure for Procedurals

Method #

This node generates a distance field from 3D fractals, such as the Julia Quad, Mandelbulb and Menger Sponge. These complex and detailed structures can then be combined and altered for more unique effects.

Fractals can have a lot of small thin details that can be difficult to represent using Procedural Meshing, so it’s advised to use the Procedural Raytracer instead.


These properties control the 3D transforms of the node. Transforms will generally be inherited by child nodes, although they can be ignored through the Inherit Transform Channels attributes.

Position XThe objects position along the local x-axis.
Position YThe objects position along the local y-axis.
Position ZThe objects position along the local z-axis.
Rotation HeadingThe objects rotation around the local y-axis.
Rotation PitchThe objects rotation around the local x-axis.
Rotation BankThe objects rotation around the local z-axis.
Scale XThe objects scale along the local x-axis.
Scale YThe objects scale along the local y-axis.
Scale ZThe objects scale along the local z-axis.

Control the inheritance of the transforms from the parent.

PositionToggle inheritance of the Position from the parent.
RotationToggle inheritance of the Rotation from the parent.
ScaleToggle inheritance of the Scale from the parent.
World Position OnlyInherit the world position from the parent only, rotation and scale will be ignored. Overrides above properties.
Inherit TimeToggle inheritance of time from the parent.

These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

Fractal ModeChoose the fractal shape to be generated.
  • Quat Julia : A 3D version of the Julia set, tends to create lots of thin looping lines.
  • Mandelbulb : A 3D version of the Mandlebrot set, tends to generate coral like shapes.
  • Mandelbox : A 3D version of the Mandlebrot set, tends to generate boxier shapes.
  • Mandelblob : A variant of the Mandlebulb, which is a little more adaptable and and controllable.
  • Apollonian : A 3D Apollonian Gasket fractal. Makes lots of balls of varying sizes.
  • Sponge : A 3D Menger Sponge, which breakes up a cube by iteratively cutting out smaller and smaller cubes.
Num IterationsHow many iterations are processed to generate the fractal. Higher values will increase detail, but can be both intensive to calculate and introduce aliasing issues.
Quat Julia ParamCycles through a seed of the julia set, to see more variances of the fractal. Only available when set to Julia Set.
Mandlebulb PowerCycles through a seed of the Mandlebulb, to see more variances of the fractal. Only available when set to Mandlebulb.
Folding limitTBC. Only available when set to Mandlebox.
Fixed RadiusTBC. Only available when set to Mandlebox.
Min RadiusTBC. Only available when set to Mandlebox.
Iteration ScaleTBC. Only available when set to Mandlebox.
Iteration AngleTBC. Only available when set to Mandlebox.
Iteration AngleTBC. Only available when set to Mandlebox.
Phi OffsetTBC. Only available when set to Mandlebox.
Theta OffsetTBC. Only available when set to Mandlebox.
Apollonian ScaleTBC. Only available when set to Apollonian.
Sponge Offset XTBC. Only available when set to Sponge.
Sponge Offset YTBC. Only available when set to Sponge.
Sponge Offset ZTBC. Only available when set to Sponge.
Sponge Rotate XTBC. Only available when set to Sponge.
Sponge Rotate YTBC. Only available when set to Sponge.
Sponge Rotate ZTBC. Only available when set to Sponge.
Sponge ScaleTBC. Only available when set to Sponge.
CSG ModeThese options change how a this procedural node combines with the existing of the procedural system.
  • Replace : Replaces the previous procedural system with a new procedural shape.
  • Union : Simply combines both the new procedural shape and the existing procedural system.
  • Intersection : Interesects the new shape with the shape before.
  • Subtract : Subtracts the new procedural shape from the existing procedural system.
  • Blend : Blends between both the new procedural shape and the existing procedural system, driven by the CSG Blend Weight.
  • Union Blend : A combination of union and blend which tries to preserve both objects more, with the blending being driven by the CSG Blend Weight.
  • Smooth Union : The new procedural is added to the old, and smoothing (driven by the CSG Blend Weight) is applied to the outcome.
  • Smooth Subtract : The new procedural shape is subtracted from the existing procedural system, and smoothing (driven by the CSG Blend Weight) is applied to the outcome.
  • Offset : Blends one procedural ontop of the other another withing the area of the original procedural system.
  • Custom Code : Allows you to enter your own expression code.
CSG Blend WeightHow much the new procedural blends with the old procedurals, depending on the CSG Blend Weight.
Custom CSG CodeType your Custom code here, using the HLSL language. Read more on Editable Code.


NameDescriptionTypical Input
Transform ModifiersTBCTBC
Target NodeTBCTBC
Local Transform OverrideTBCTBC
Position XTBCTBC
Position YTBCTBC
Position ZTBCTBC
Rotation HeadingTBCTBC
Rotation PitchTBCTBC
Rotation BankTBCTBC
Get World Position XTBCTBC
Get World Position YTBCTBC
Get World Position ZTBCTBC
CSG Blend WeightTBCTBC
Material ColourTBCTBC
MandelBulb PowerTBCTBC
Quat Julia ParamTBCTBC
Folding LimitTBCTBC
Fixed RadiusTBCTBC
Min RadiusTBCTBC
Iteration ScaleTBCTBC
Iteration AngleTBCTBC
Theta OffsetTBCTBC
Phi OffsetTBCTBC
Apollonian ScaleTBCTBC
Sponge Offset XTBCTBC
Sponge Offset YTBCTBC
Sponge Offset ZTBCTBC
Sponge Rotate XTBCTBC
Sponge Rotate YTBCTBC
Sponge Rotate ZTBCTBC
Sponge ScaleTBCTBC