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Manual 1.0 Manual 0.9.23
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Cellular Noise

Cellular Noise

Updated: 22 Mar 2024

Generates a cellular noise pattern for a procedural.



Method #

This node generates an infinite cellular noise pattern. It works by dividing the space in to cells and placing a point in each cell, which is expanded to a sphere. the points are then randomly offset to form the cellular noise.

Nodes connected to this node will generally follow the parent child hierarchy. Other Procedural Generator nodes can be configured to combine with this shape using their CSG modes, and displacement nodes will only apply to this shape.


These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

Distance OffsetOffsets the distance field values, causing the generated distance field to expand of contract.
Cell SizeSize of the generated cells.
JitterHow much the spheres are randomly moved from their original cell positions.
CSG ModeThese options change how a this procedural node combines with the existing of the procedural system.
  • Replace : Replaces the previous procedural system with a new procedural shape.
  • Union : Simply combines both the new procedural shape and the existing procedural system.
  • Intersection : Interesects the new shape with the shape before.
  • Subtract : Subtracts the new procedural shape from the existing procedural system.
  • Blend : Blends between both the new procedural shape and the existing procedural system, driven by the CSG Blend Weight.
  • Union Blend : A combination of union and blend which tries to preserve both objects more, with the blending being driven by the CSG Blend Weight.
  • Smooth Union : The new procedural is added to the old, and smoothing (driven by the CSG Blend Weight) is applied to the outcome.
  • Smooth Subtract : The new procedural shape is subtracted from the existing procedural system, and smoothing (driven by the CSG Blend Weight) is applied to the outcome.
  • Offset : Blends one procedural ontop of the other another withing the area of the original procedural system.
  • Custom Code : Allows you to enter your own expression code.
CSG Blend WeightHow much the new procedural blends with the old procedurals, depending on the CSG Blend Weight.
Material ColourModify the colour for the procedural material.
Custom CSG CodeType your Custom code here, using the HLSL language. Read more on Editable Code.


NameDescriptionTypical Input
Transform ModifiersApply the transforms of another node to this node.Null
Target NodeModifiy the rotations of the node to always direct the z axis towards the input.Null
Local Transform OverrideApply the transforms of another node to this node, relative to its parent.Null