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Manual 1.0 Manual 0.9.23
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Randomise Tiles

Randomise Tiles

Updated: 19 Feb 2025

Breaks the image into a grid, and randomises the positions and frame delays of parts of the image based on an input image.


Example .dfx

Method #

This node breaks the image into a grid, and randomises the positions and frame delays of parts of the image based on an input image.

The processed texture above has been altered from default to show the kind of effect you can get with this node. By default, no change will be made to the node until you input an image.


These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

ActiveEnables or disables the effect. Disabling the effect means it will no longer compute, so disabling a node when not in use can improve performance.
Blend AmountChanges the opacity of the new effect over the original image.
Blend Mode (RGB)Change how the generated effect blends with the parent image RGB.
Blend Mode (Alpha)Change how the generated effect blends with the parent image alpha.
Use Num TilesToggle whether the tiles are generated based on size, or based on numbers that fit into the viewport.
Tile Size XWidth of the tiles generated. only functions with use num tiles toggled off.
Tile Size YHeight of the tiles generated. only functions with use num tiles toggled off.
Num Tile XNumber of tiles generated along the x axis. only functions with use num tiles toggled on.
Num Tile YNumber of tiles generated along the y axis. only functions with use num tiles toggled on.
Gap WidthWidth of the gap between the tiles.
Randomisation X RangeThe x range at which a tile can be randomly moved to.
Randomisation Y RangeThe y range at which a tile can be randomly moved to.
Use As Absolute PositionsUse the absolute positions of the tiles in the grid, rather than relative offsets.
Show OffsetsVisualise how the image is being offset based on the tile input.


NameDescriptionTypical Input
Randomisation X ImageRandomise the image along the x axis based on the luminance values from an input image.Loader
Randomisation Y ImageRandomise the image along the y axis based on the luminance values from an input image.Loader
Delay Offset ImageRandomise the frame delay per tile based on the luminance values from an input image.Loader