Composite Image
Updated: 4 Dec 2023
Composite an image directly in a Post-FX chain.Updated: 4 Dec 2023
Composite an image directly in a Post-FX chain.This node allows you to composite and image directly within a Post-FX chain. This allows you to do lightweight compositing without creating a copy of the texture, which can reduce VRAM usage in extreme cases. It also allows you to easily move around at which stage the compositing is done in a video system without needing to rewire things.
These properties control the core behaviours of the node.
Parameter | Details |
Active | Enables or disables the effect. Disabling the effect means it will no longer compute, so disabling a node when not in use can improve performance. |
Blend Amount | Changes the opacity of the new effect over the original image. |
Blend Mode (RGB) | Change how the generated effect blends with the parent image RGB. |
Blend Mode (Alpha) | Change how the generated effect blends with the parent image alpha. |
Image | Select an image to be displayed on the image plane. |
Alpha Image | Use an image to control the alpha values. |
UV Remap Image | Use an image to remap the uvs for the image. |
Colour | Add a colour filter over the image. |
Frame | If the image is animated, choose which frame is displayed. |
Alpha | Control the alpha value of the image. |
Alpha Sort Bias | Biases the alpha sort in order to make it render in front or behind other transparent objects. |
Aspect Based Scaling Mode | Scale the image to retain its original aspect ratio.
Apply Aspect Before Rotation | Apply aspect correction before applying the rotation transform. |
UV Remap Filtering | Remap the colour image to the image 2d based on a uv map. |
No Image Behaviour | Select what colour should appear in the absence of an image input. |
Texture Filter Mode |
Texture Wrap Mode U/V | Change how the image wraps around both the x and y axis if the uv transform moves the image off of the output plane.
Use Image Alpha | If enabled, the node will use the alpha channel of the input image when blending. |
Toggle which of the RGBA channels are affected by the effect.
These properties control the transforms of the compositied image, and where it will be place onto the page.
Parameter | Details |
Position X | The objects position along the local x-axis. |
Position Y | The objects position along the local y-axis. |
Position Z | The objects position along the local z-axis. |
Rotation Bank | The objects rotation around the local z-axis. |
Scale X | The objects scale along the local x-axis. |
Scale Y | The objects scale along the local y-axis. |
These properties control the transofrms of the image in UV space, before the compositing transform properties.
Parameter | Details |
UV Offset X | Move the object uv along the x axis, local to the screen. |
UV Offset Y | Move the object uv along the y axis, local to the screen. |
UV Scale X | Scale the object uv along the x axis, local to the screen. |
UV Scale Y | Scale the object uv along the y axis, local to the screen. |
These properties control how a video will behave if selected in the Image property.
Parameter | Details |
Frame Offset | Offset the start frame. |
Frame Rate | Control the frame rate of the video. |
Loop End Frame | Choose when the video stops looping. |
These properties will control how to apply texture animations for sprite sheets.
Parameter | Details |
Is Texture Animation Page | Toggle whether the input image should be treated as an animation page containing multiple frames of an animation. |
Num Frames X | The number of animation frames in the X axis contained in the image. |
Num Frames Y | The number of animation frames in the Y axis contained in the image. |
These properties control how the image is cropped from its initial size.
Parameter | Details |
Crop Left | How much of the image is cropped from the left. |
Crop Right | How much of the image is cropped from the right. |
Crop Top | How much of the image is cropped from the bottom. |
Crop Bottom | How much of the image is cropped from the top. |
Name | Description | Typical Input |
Image | The image to render in to the Post-FX chain | Loader |
Alpha Image | Add an image to override the alpha channel of the Image 2D node. | Fractal Noise |
UV Image Remap | Add an image to use as a UV remap on the Image 2D node. | Loader |