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Geometry Connection Renderer

Geometry Connection Renderer

Updated: 4 Dec 2023

Renders particles as connected geometry and lines.


Method #

This node generates faces and lines based on the position of particles in the scene. Particles are joined with lines by proximity, and where lines form a triangle geometry is created.

You can deform the generated geometry with Deformer Nodes.


These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

Min Distance ThresholdMinimum distance between two particles to draw a line between.
Distance ThresholdMaximum distance a line can be drawn at.
Connection LifetimeHow long a line drawn between two particles should last after the connection is initially made.
Luminance RandomnessControl how much randomness is in the luminance of the rendered particles.
Depth BiasOffsets particles in depth so they are closer or further away from the camera, changing the point at which they intersect with the rest of the scene.
Particle Use AmountPercentage of particles that can be used by the node.
Draw TrianglesDraw triangle geometry from the particles.
Use Particle ColoursRecolour the triangles to blend between the colour of the particles they were spawned from.

These properties add options for drawing all the edges of the mesh as lines. Useful for rendering wireframe effects.

Lines VisibleControl whether lines are rendered to the scene from the geometry.
Lines AlphaChange the alpha transparency value of the lines, making them appear see-through.
ColourChange the colour value of the lines.
Use Vertex ColoursColour lines based on the vertex colours of the geometry.
Blend ModeHow the object lines blends with the rest of the content in a 3d scene. See Blend Modes for details.
  • Solid : The line rendering is treated as a solid object, and does not blend with anything behind it.
  • Blend : The line rendering is blended with the rest of the content in the scene, with a subtle gradient over the line edges.
  • Additive : The line rendering adds onto the rest of the content in the scene.
  • Subtractive : The line rendering subtracts from the rest of the content in the scene.
  • Multiply : The line rendering multiplies with the rest of the content in the scene.
  • Max : The max value between the lines and the content behind it is used.
  • Min : The min value between the lines and the content behind it is used.
  • Light : The line rendering is blended using the light blend mode with the rest of the content in the scene.
  • Screen : The line rendering is blended using the screen blend mode with the rest of the content in the scene.
  • Pre-Mul Blend : The line rendering mis premultiplied before blending with the rest of the content in the scene.
Thick LinesAllow the lines to rendered with thickness, for line effects which can be accurately anti-aliased.
Hide Back Face LinesHide the lines generated from polygon faces facing away from the camera, where only the back faces of geometry can be seen.
Lock WidthLock the line width to be a consistent width regardless of distance from the camera. Only functions with Thick Lines enabled.
Thick Line WidthControl the thickness of all the lines. Only functions with Thick Lines enabled.
Show Silhouette LinesDraws lines along the edges of the object relative to the camera.
Show Normal Difference LinesDraw a line along the edges of the mesh, depending on the angle difference between their mutual faces.
Show Unshared LinesDraw lines along all edges of the shape.
Show Other LinesShow all the lines for each edge of the mesh.
Unshared Lines WeightControl the strength of the unshared lines.
Silhouette Lines WeightControl the strength of the silhouette lines.
Normal Difference Lines WeightControl the strength of the lines generated along the normal angles.
Other Lines WeightControl the strength of the lines for each edge in the mesh.
Line Normal Difference AngleChange the threshold angle between two face normals that will generate a line along their common edge. Only functions with Show Normal Lines enabled.
Line Normal Fade SharpnessHow much the drawn normal lines will fade away the closer the edge angle is to the Line Normal Difference Angle.
Line Depth BiasExaggerate the width of the lines based on the distance to the camera. not functional with Lock Width enabled.
Line Silhouette Fade SharpnessHow much the drawn silhouette lines will fade away based on the size of the edge angle to the camera.

These properties control how the surface of the generated mesh reacts to light in the scene. See Materials for a breakdown of all these properties individually.


NameDescriptionTypical Input
MaterialAdd a material to override the internal material and affect the generated geometry.Material
Rendered EmittersSpecify which emitters are rendered using this renderer. By default, all emitters connected to the same particle root as the renderer are rendered.Primitive Emitter
Transform ModifiersApply the transforms of another node to this node.Null
Target NodeModifiy the rotations of the node to always direct the z axis towards the input.Null
Local Transform OverrideApply the transforms of another node to this node, relative to its parent.Null