Mesh Collision Affector
Updated: 12 Dec 2024
Allows Particles to collide with Meshes.Updated: 12 Dec 2024
Allows Particles to collide with Meshes.This node simulates collisions between particles and a 3D object. It uses ray traced intersections with triangles contained in a bounding volume hierarchy structure. This allows for fast, accurate collisions with 3D objects, but animating, generated or deforming objects are not supported. They may move in 3D space but must be rigid.
At least one 3D Object Node must be connected via the Object Nodes input for this node to be effective.
All nodes connected to this node are treated as if flowing to the parent node, and inherits any transformation changes along the chain.
These properties control the core behaviours of the node.
Parameter | Details |
Collision Velocity Scale | Scales the velocity of the particle after a collision so they can be made to slow down. |
Point Collision Radius | Radius around a particle in which it will calculate colliding. |
Mode | Chang how the calculations against mesh edges are calculated.
Flip Normals | Flip the normals of the input object, so collisions are calculate for other side of the face normals. |
Double Sided | Calculate collisions for both sides of the objects normals. |
Dynamic Collision Objects | Recalculate collisions each frame for an animating mesh. |
Extrude Axis | Which axis the mesh has been extruded along. |
Name | Description | Typical Input |
Object Node | Object with which the particles collide. | 3D Object |
Collision Event Nodes | Particle events to be triggered when collisions occur. | Particle Event |
Affected Emitters | Choose which particle emitters can be affected by the affector. | Primitive Emitter |
Procedural Falloff | Use the distance field from a procedural system to vary how strong the affector is. | Procedural Root |
Transform Modifiers | Apply the transforms of another node to this node. | Null |
Target Node | Modifiy the rotations of the node to always direct the z axis towards the input. | Null |
Local Transform Override | Apply the transforms of another node to this node, relative to its parent. | Null |