Blended Material
Updated: 4 Nov 2024
Mix multiple materials together into one material.Updated: 4 Nov 2024
Mix multiple materials together into one material.This node allows the combination of various materials to form one complex blended material. An input image or Shading node can then be used to control transitions and blends between materials based on the value of the mask source.
The output material can be applied to any node which accepts a material input, such as 3D Objects, Particle Trails, or a Procedural Raytracer.
Parameter | Details |
Material Preview | TBC |
Parameter | Details |
Material Blending | TBC |
Alpha | TBC |
Material | TBC |
Use Displacement | TBC
Ambient Occlusion | TBC
Textures | TBC |
Alpha Map | TBC |
UV Texture Filter Mode | TBC
Texture Mip Bias | TBC |
UVs | TBC |
Alpha Map UV | TBC
UV Scale X | TBC |
UV Scale Y | TBC |
UV Offset X | TBC |
UV Offset Y | TBC |
Texture Wrap Mode U | TBC
Texture Wrap Mode V | TBC
UV Remap Filtering | TBC |
Lighting | TBC |
Lit | TBC |
Shadows | TBC
Raytracing Settings | TBC
Max. Diffuse Depth | TBC |
Max. Glossy Depth | TBC |
Max. Refraction Depth | TBC |
Geometry | TBC |
Polygon Sidedness | TBC
Flip Polygons | TBC |
Smoothing Angle | TBC |
Wireframe | TBC |
FX | TBC |
Name | Description | Typical Input |
Materials | TBC | TBC |
Colour Texture | TBC | TBC |
Diffuse Texture | TBC | TBC |
Specular Map | TBC | TBC |
Emissiveness Map | TBC | TBC |
Metallicness Map | TBC | TBC |
Roughness Map | TBC | TBC |
Normal Map | TBC | TBC |
Displacement Map | TBC | TBC |
Alpha Map | TBC | TBC |
Ambient Occlusion Map | TBC | TBC |
Subsurface Colour Map | TBC | TBC |
Subsurface Weight Map | TBC | TBC |
Composite Nodes | TBC | TBC |
Mapping | TBC | TBC |
Colour R | TBC | TBC |
Colour G | TBC | TBC |
Colour B | TBC | TBC |
Colour A | TBC | TBC |
Colour | TBC | TBC |
Specular Colour R | TBC | TBC |
Specular Colour G | TBC | TBC |
Specular Colour B | TBC | TBC |
Specular Colour A | TBC | TBC |
Specular Colour | TBC | TBC |
Rim Lighting Colour R | TBC | TBC |
Rim Lighting Colour G | TBC | TBC |
Rim Lighting Colour B | TBC | TBC |
Rim Lighting Colour A | TBC | TBC |
Rim Lighting Colour | TBC | TBC |
Absorption Colour R | TBC | TBC |
Absorption Colour G | TBC | TBC |
Absorption Colour B | TBC | TBC |
Absorption Colour A | TBC | TBC |
Absorption Colour | TBC | TBC |
Shadow Catcher Colour R | TBC | TBC |
Shadow Catcher Colour G | TBC | TBC |
Shadow Catcher Colour B | TBC | TBC |
Shadow Catcher Colour A | TBC | TBC |
Shadow Catcher Colour | TBC | TBC |
Diffuse Coat R | TBC | TBC |
Diffuse Coat G | TBC | TBC |
Diffuse Coat B | TBC | TBC |
Diffuse Coat A | TBC | TBC |
Diffuse Coat | TBC | TBC |
Brightness | TBC | TBC |
Specular Intensity | TBC | TBC |
Alpha | TBC | TBC |
Metallicness | TBC | TBC |
Roughness | TBC | TBC |
Specular Falloff | TBC | TBC |
Specular Anisotropy | TBC | TBC |
Diffuse Fresnel | TBC | TBC |
Emissiveness | TBC | TBC |
Emissive Scattering | TBC | TBC |
Density | TBC | TBC |
Glow | TBC | TBC |
Baked Diffuse Intensity | TBC | TBC |
Alpha Sort Bias | TBC | TBC |
Normal Map Intensity | TBC | TBC |
Normal Smoothness | TBC | TBC |
Smoothing Angle | TBC | TBC |
Motion Blur Velocity Scale | TBC | TBC |
Displacement | TBC | TBC |
Displacement Offset | TBC | TBC |
Rim Lighting Intensity | TBC | TBC |
Rim Lighting Falloff | TBC | TBC |
Subsurface Scatter Radius | TBC | TBC |
Subsurface Weight | TBC | TBC |
Shadow Catcher Blend | TBC | TBC |
Parallax Amount | TBC | TBC |
UV Scale X | TBC | TBC |
UV Scale Y | TBC | TBC |
UV Offset X | TBC | TBC |
UV Offset Y | TBC | TBC |
Diffuse UV Scale X | TBC | TBC |
Diffuse UV Scale Y | TBC | TBC |
Diffuse UV Offset X | TBC | TBC |
Diffuse UV Offset Y | TBC | TBC |
Texture Mip Bias | TBC | TBC |
Refraction IOR | TBC | TBC |
Aberration | TBC | TBC |
Transparent Diffuse | TBC | TBC |
Absorption | TBC | TBC |
Toon Diffuse Levels | TBC | TBC |
Toon Specular Levels | TBC | TBC |
Toon Diffuse Gradient | TBC | TBC |
Toon Specular Gradient | TBC | TBC |